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You would think with such a high bounty over his head he would already be dead.


You would think if he was a monster they would have elite assassins on his trail.

But, that wasn't the case either.

You would think that he would be so terrifying everyone who saw him would run away.

Not a chance.

You also wouldn't believe a little girl, a child, would be expected to kill him.

. . .

You would be mistaken.

That's exactly what the Japanese government wanted. She wasn't even of their nationality... It made no sense. All she had was her superior skills with a sword.

A 15 year-old girl is expected to kill a yellow octopus that can move at the speed of match 20 -most certainly faster than any human by the way- and who'd also destroyed the moon. How? If a whole class full of girls and boys her age couldn't do it, then why do they expect her to do so? When she's only one person? Even so, it's not like she had anything else to do either way...Apart from rotting away in her own despair.

What could go wrong?

Even at such a young age,  the girl already knew the warmth of blood and it chill of the goosebumps down her spin. It was how she was raised to be.

A heartless killer.

If she couldn't change that, what else could she do? She couldn't stay in the apartment forever. Even with her bright mind, she couldn't let it go to waste!  Well, that's at least what the ministry  told her.

It replayed so clearly in her head. Like everything else. She could remember almost everything. Every little thing. You could say a distinguishing feature of hers was that she seemed to have an eidetic memory.

A girl sat in the far corner of the darkly lit room. Little light shone through the cracks of the blinds showing the girl's sleek figure. Wrapped in a simple black turtle neck and jeans, with her arms resting on her raised knees. Long, bloody crimson hair ran down her back. Messy and flying everywhere as the ends reached the wooden floor.

She kept her body close to the wall, with a sword kept in it's sheath sitting right next to her. Scraps of paper littered the floor all around her. Each with varying  sketches on them. Some showed animals, others made up humans. They were actually quite detailed for someone her age.

The girl's gaze seemed to stare off into nothingness, they glinted in the little light that illuminated the small room. They were an icy blue. Sharp, almost like a wolf's cold gaze.


That's what her father would always call her. His 'Little Wolf'. However, it wasn't in anyway good. In fact, she hated her father. With every bone in her body.

A soft click drew the girl from her thoughts. Her cold eyes returned to a normal, sharp state as they shot over to the noise. A new light filled the dark room, causing the girl's eye to squint in distaste. Two dark, tall shapes loomed in the doorway. As the girl's eyes adjusted she noticed they were dressed in crisp, clean suits. Although, she didn't know why they were here.

"verzeihen Sie uns (pardon us)." The man spoke each precise word slowly, pronouncing each syllable carefully. He spoke in her native tongue. German.

Right, Germany. Where she had lived thirteen long years of her life before moving to Japan.

"I speak Japanese, you know." The girl snapped. Even after being in Japan for two years, her tone was husky with a German accent.

The man cleared his throat before walking in. His partner followed close behind. The girl looked straight at the men as they neared her. As they stopped about 5 feet away from her. Were they afraid? She wouldn't blame them.

She's afraid of herself.

The other man held what looked like a folder and flicked through it for a second. He handed his partner a couple of papers before putting the folder away. All eyes fell on the red-haired girl in the corner. Her light-blue eyes stared up at the two towering men.

"I would presume you're Kraftvoll Kaji?" She nodded without even realizing it at the sound of her name. There was a pause before the man continued.

"We would like your assistance." Kaji raised an eyebrow. What would they need her for?

The man held out to Kaji a small stack of papers. She eyed them a bit before she went ahead and snatched them from his hand. Kaji stared down at the papers, at the picture that was clipped to it. She had never dreamed up a creature like this one. Although it was only his head, Kaji could guess what the rest of him looked like. First of all, he's pure yellow with a ball shaped head, rounded, dot-like eyes and a large, toothy smile. Not only that but a tentacle raised in mid wave in the image. What was this thing?

Kaji's eyes drifted down the paper to all the writing. The men seemed to be prepared, since the whole document was in German.

"I fully understand Japanese you know," She said without taking her eyes off the paper. For the 2 years she had lived here, Kaji had in fact gone to school and fully understood Japanese before she ever arrived in the country.

So, the creature was pretty much harmless. He did kind of blow up the moon though. And he can move at Mach 20 speed. As Kaji read on, she was puzzled at why the creature would be teaching a Junior High School class. So there was apparently a dead line for the creature. If he isn't killed by March then the world will end. Great.

Kaji flipped through the other papers seeing a picture of an old school building. And a roll of students that attended the E-class, as it was called. She caught sight of a few names before one of the men snatched it back from her. Karma? Who would name their child Karma?

Kaji read on about the school. She had heard of the establishment, all the way across Japan. It was high ranking in test scores and other academics, sports and competitions. 

After she scanned through the rest of the paper, Kaji gazed back up at the 2 men. "I'm guessing you want me to kill this creature?" One of the two men nodded. "You are required to attend school, and since your father is dead, you're the best candidate for this, with only your permission needed." The man cleared his throat. "And your skills."

He was right, Kaji did have to attend school. Her father would rarely let her go to school, and everyone just hated her. But, after he died, Kaji had stayed in this apartment. For 4 months.

"Ja." Kaji said, raising to her feet. "On one condition," she added. She grabbed the sheathed sword from the ground and held it out in front of her. "I must he able to have this sword." The two men were hesitant, before one then nodded. "We'll make sure you do."

And here she is now. The government had flown her over Japan and she used her father's fortune for a student apartment complexes spare room.

Without a doubt, Kaji was in fact now an assassin. She was her father's assassin. That's all. She knew what it felt like slicing through another's flesh. Seeing the light fade from their eyes. Feeling their warm blood against her skin.

She hated it.

Maybe now, Kaji could be...something other than a killer.

Scarlet Wolf ➸ Assassination Classroom Fanfic { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now