Chapter 29

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~ Juliet

We collected our luggage and are now walking towards taxi services. I'm happily talking with Shelley, Arden and Victoria, until someone pulls me back. I stumble into the arms of Dylan. I smile at him and kiss him quickly. He smiles back at me.

"I want you for a second" he whispers in my ear. I giggle, while walking a bit closer to him. He grabs my hand and interwines our fingers.

"Who are you most excited about meeting?" Dylan asks me. I think about that. I mean, I like everyone.
I don't have a person I'm more excited about meeting than others, I guess. I do like Crystal a lot, cause of her role as Allison.

"Maybe Crystal and Tyler Hoechlin, because they're apart of the original Teen Wolf cast" I say. Dylan nods with a smile.

"They'll love you. Especially Crystal. She will love you a lot. She'll probably take you away from me the entire time" I giggle.

We're waiting for a taxi for about 10 minutes now. We kind of hoped there would be a van that could hold all of us, but it's not going to work, so we're going with 4 in caps.

Dylan, Tyler, Holland and I are in a cap. Victoria, Arden, Shelley and Cody are in a cap and Dylan Sprayberry and Khylen are going in one.

We arrive at the hotel after about 30 minutes. We walk in and Dylan takes my hand to the check in desk. The lady already smiles at us.

"Hello mister O'Brien, how are you?" she asks. I frown. Is she a fan or are they coming here a lot?

"Hey Jen, I'm great, you?" I guess they come here a lot, as her name on the tag says Jennifer.

"I'm good, thank you. I already made sure the rooms are all ready, you'll just need to tell me who will be in a room with who, cause I need to know who to give room keys" Jennifer says. Dylan nods.

"So, this girl here will be with me, her name is Juliet" Dylan starts. Jennifer smiles at me and nods.

"What is your last name?" she asks me.

"May" I say. She nods and types it in her computer.

"Then, I guess Arden Cho and Victoria Wieland will be together" Dylan says, saying the last names.

"Are the others here already?" Dylan asks. Jennifer shakes her head.

"No, they haven't checked in yet"

"Okay. Well, then I guess Holland Roden and Max Carver will be in  a room,  but Max still needs to arrive" Jennifer nods once again.

"Then Tyler Posey and Tyler Hoechlin"

"Shelley Hennig and Crystal Reed"

"Daniel Sharman and Charlie Carver"

"Dylan Sprayberry and Khylen Rambo"

"Cody Christian and Colton Haynes"

"Okay, here are the room keys for everyone. This is for you two. These are for Arden Cho and Victoria Wieland. These for Holland Roden and Max Carver. These for Tyler Posey and Tyler Hoechlin. Then these are for Shelley Hennig and Crystal Reed. Those are for Dylan Sprayberry and Khylen Rambo and the last ones are for Cody Christian and Colton Haynes" I give the keys to everyone.

"On the back of the cards are your room numbers. If there is anything, just ask me. I hope you enjoy your stay" We thank her and we all walk to elevators. It seems like we're all on the same floor. Floor 11. Our room number is 1105. We open it and walk in. The door closes behind us and I slowly walk further into the room. It is huge. We have a living room. There is a door that leads to the bed room. The bathroom is on one side of the room and across from it is the closet. There is a huge TV, a couch and a coffee table.

"This is amazing. I never knew a hotel room could look like this" I say. Dylan chuckles.

"Now comes the important part" Dylan says. I look at him, confused.

"Are you ready to meet the others? Tyler Hoechlin send me a text saying they go to set first instead of the hotel, so everyone will be there"

"I'm ready, I'm so ready" I say. Dylan chuckles and kisses me softly.

"Then let's go" he says after pulling away.


Sorry, this chapter is kind of short, but I wanted to write a seperate chapter of Juliet meeting everyone.

By the way, I want to make this a series, so like when this books is finished, I'll write a new one, but then with other boys as the main characters, but Juliet and Victoria will both be in it. Would you read the others books

xxx Pascalle <3

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