Chapter 16

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julietmay : you bring a smile to my face (:



jakeyy : you bring happiness to me as well ;)

vici.wieland : beautiful!

mabelll : !! <3<3

tylerposey58 : see you in 3 weeks ;)

tylerposey58 : ps: you're beautiful!

lucasgrey : gorgeous!!!


teenwolfdaily : OMG, can you and dylan get married already ?!?!

dylanobrien : you also bring a smile to my face (:

dylanlover : dylan commenting, OMG auhbufiwuguheh

hollandroden : beautiful !

dylansprayberry : ready for some paint balling ?! can't wait to see that smile in real life!

shelleyhennig : god, you're beautiful! wish i could be you!

julietmay : shelleyhennig don't even say that. i wish i was you!

julietmay : tylerposey58 dylansprayberry we're gonna kick ass!

julietmay : dylanobrien :)))))))))

arden_cho : beautiful girl!


dylanobrien : ugh

julietmay : what's wrong?

dylanobrien : three weeks left...

julietmay : i know right :(

julietmay : i have exams next week and i'm fucking nervous

julietmay : excuse my language

dylanobrien : oh you'll be fine

dylanobrien : remember that exam and you passed!

julietmay : yea, but this is different

julietmay : so yea

dylanobrien : you'll be fine, i just know

julietmay : i hope so

dylanobrien : i know so

julietmay : okay

dylanobrien : can i ask you something ?

julietmay : sure

dylanobrien : i just thought about the things i know and do not know about you

dylanobrien : kinda figured i have no clue about your family

dylanobrien : i know you have a brother, and that you live with your mother

dylanobrien : but where is your dad?

julietmay : i was waiting for whenever this question was coming

julietmay : but it's kind of a long story

dylanobrien : if you want to tell it, i have time

julietmay : sure

julietmay : so, when i was 5, we moved to the US. I used to live in the Netherlands

julietmay : bet you didn't know that either

julietmay : anyway. we moved here, because my dad wanted too. he loved the US. my parents bought a house in Orlando. i had to learn english before going to school. it was pretty hard. but my parents used to talk a lot of english, as my mum is from London, so it didn't take that long. my brother and i went to school here and we both got lives here. one day, i came home from school, with my mum in tears. she said that dad wanted to leave and go back to the netherlands. at this point, i was 15. i didn't understand why. my mum said that he just had to get back because he was fired from his job.

julietmay : but my dad never came home that night. i didn't understand, my brother didn't understand and all my mum did was cry, because she loved being here and didn't want to go back. she also said that she hated that she had to take Jake and my life away. the next morning, my dad still wasn't home. we all started to get worried. it was weird, cause my dad never did that. he loved his family and he wouldn't just leave. my mum decided that it was best if Jake and I just went to school and so we did. half way through the day, i got called to the principal office and Jake was there waiting for me. they said we had to go home, because mum called. once we arrived home, my mum was in tears again, but this time, it was different. she was heart broken. she couldn't even talk. Jake and i were so confused. a police officer came walking from the kitchen with a glass of water. he handed it to my mum and he started talking to us

julietmay : turned out, my dad was being threatened. he apparently stole something from a criminal. i never knew what it was or who it was. anyway, he was in big trouble and that's why he wanted to leave. the reason why he never came home after calling my mum was because he was killed, by that criminal. it must've been really important to kill someone over, but it happened. we stayed in Orlando. as soon as he could, Jake got out of Orlando. he said that everything reminded him of my dad. my mum and i managed together. i got a job so i could help her. we always visit Jake, because he doesn't want to come to Orlando. he said he would never come back here, no matter what. so that's why i don't see him often. I have school and he doesn't want to come here

julietmay: anyway, he's dead. I don't have a dad anymore

dylanobrien : o my god

dylanobrien : i'm so sorry for asking. i feel so guilty right now.

julietmay : don't feel guilty. i knew i had to tell this story sometime anyway

julietmay : i just didn't know when

dylanobrien : i'm still sorry

dylanobrien : also because you had to go through this

julietmay : you know what the worst thing is ?

dylanobrien : no ?

julietmay : my grandparents don't talk to my mum anymore, because they say it's her fault he's dead

dylanobrien : what ? why ?

julietmay : they said that if she just got out of there, he would still be alive

dylanobrien : but.. she was just waiting for him to come home, right ?

julietmay : yea, i just don't get it.. my mum is so sad, still..

dylanobrien : i'm going to crush you into the biggest hug when we meet

dylanobrien : like literally, i will not let you go for a few minutes..

dylanobrien : i'm going to make sure that you will have to beg me to let you go, but you won't beg, because the hug would be to awesome and we'd be there for an hour because we don't want to let go of each other

dylanobrien : and then you would feel all better because my hugs are that awesome! and then security has to get us out of there because fans would try to kill us and stuff and yea

julietmay : deal!


hellooo (:

so this chapter is twice as long as normal ! i think i'm going to jump to another week sometimes, because otherwise it would get boring and yea

so, i hope you liked this chapter ! :)

xxx Pascalle :)

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