Chapter 27

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~ Juliet

I wake up like I have been waking up for the past few days, with my head on Dylan's chest, completely in peace and happy. We've been sleeping together like this and I don't know how it happens. When we go to sleep, we both sleep each on a side and not close together at all and somewhere in our sleep, we start laying like this.

"Morning, beautiful" I hear. I move so I can look at Dylan.

"Hey handsome" I say. Dylan chuckles.He kisses my temple and I just smile.

"Are you ready for today?" Dylan asks me. Today is the day that we go to set. Victoria met Holland, Shelley, Arden, Dylan and Cody yesterday, when we went out for a movie. She gets along with Arden the best.

"Yes, I'm super excited!" I say. Dylan chuckles and holds me close.

"Tyler said that a lot of old cast members are going to be there as well" Dylan says.

"Really? Like who?"

"Crystal, Max and Charlie, Daniel and Tyler Hoechlin" Dylan says. I get a huge smile on my face. I love all of them. I would really like to see the twins and see Holland with Max.

I hear a shower go on and realise it's Victoria in the guest room.

"Maybe we should get ready too" I suggest.

"Not yet" Dylan says and pushes me on my back. He rolls on top off me and starts kissing me. I put my arms around his neck, where I always put them, and Dylan has his hands on my waist. He puts them under my top, but still on my waist.

He told me yesterday, when we were making out, that he would never do something I didn't want or go to far without me telling him it's okay. I thought that it was really cute for him to tell me that. I'm nowhere near ready for more than this, but I have my reasons. Reasons Dylan doesn't know. The only one who knows them is Victoria. 

Dylan pulls away slightly and looks at me.

"You're so beautiful" he mumbles, before putting his lips back on mine. I smile and feel him doing the same. We pull away and he looks at me again.

"Prepare to be torn away from me all day today. I know Holland loves you so when we're in the plane, she probably will make you sit next to her. When we arrive on set, I know everyone wants to meet you so you'll be pulled from one to another person. I think I won't see you all day" Dylan says. I giggle.

"Don't be so dramatic, Dyl" I say. He chuckles and kisses my nose.

"If I'm allowed, I'll be watching you act, so I'll see a lot of you" I tell him. Dylan smiles.

"I'd love that, knowing that you're there makes it better" he says. I smile and kiss him, then push him off of me.

"I'm going to shower!" I call when I'm already out of the room. I go into the shower and let it heat up. I wash my hair and body before drying myself off. I put on my clean underwair and walk back into the bedroom. I look at the bed and see that Dylan already layed down clothes for me to wear. He really loves doing that. This time, he picked black, skinny jeans and a purple tank top. He layed down shoes for me to wear as well. It are black ankle boots with a heel.

"You normally give me sneakers to wear" I say. Dylan nods.

"Yea, but I wanted to see how you look like when you're taller" he says. I glare at him but start dressing myself. I brush my hair and let is hang over my shoulders. It's actually really wavy today. It's usually wavy, but it's extra wavy today. Dylan goes showering and I start doing my make-up. I already grabbed my bag for the time of us being in Atlanta, which is going to be 3 weeks. Victoria told me that she's planning on staying for about 1 week after getting back here and then going back to Orlando, as she's also going on vacation with her parents. I finish with my make-up and decide to check up on Victoria.

I knock on the guest room door.

"Come in" she says. I walk in and see her fully dressed, hair and make-up done. She's actually on her phone. I smile at her.

"You look amazing" she says. I look at her and see she is wearing a denim dress with black sneakers.

"So do you!" I tell her. She smiles and looks at her phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"People have been asking me about you a lot. Mostly Teen Wolf fans who've seen me commenting on your Instagram pictures" I frown.

"Are you answering them?" I ask her and sit down on her bed.

"Well, only the questions that are obvious. Like someone asked me if I was with you and Dylan. Someone also asked if you met Dylan"

"Oh okay. I don't really know when Dylan and I are going to put our relationship like out there" I say. Victoria nods.

"Well, it's a hard desicion, cause you can't go back after that" I nod slowly. I hear Dylan closing out bedroom door so I decide to go back to him.

"We leave in about half an hour" I tell her and walk away. I hear her call out an okay. I go into Dylan's room and she him putting on pants.

"Ah, did I just miss it?" I ask. Dylan chuckles and shakes his head.

"I still don't have a shirt on" he says. I walk over to him and I am actually really close to his eyes in these heels.

"I don't even have to look down" Dylan says. I giggle and kiss him. He pulls me close and kisses me back. I feel him smile against my lips, making me do the same.

"Dyl?" I ask him when we pull away.


"Are we going to go public with our relationship or not?" I ask him. He looks at me and frowns a bit.

"I don't really know. I mean, I want to be able to hold your hand in public, but we'll get stalked, like even more than we already are" he says.

"So you don't want it?" I ask him. He frowns again.

"I don't really know" I nod slowly.

"What do you want ? Not thinking about what I would want, what do you want?" he asks me.

"I think I want it to be public. I don't want to be one of those couples who have to hide everything. I want to be able to hold your hand, kiss your cheeks, even kiss your lips. I want to be able to be close to you, even when we're outside. And I know that it has risks, like being chased and like pictures getting taken. But I don't care, all I care about is that the whole freaking world will know that you're mine and only mine. I want to be able to show you off and tell the world that this amazing man is mine" I say. Without even hesitating, Dylan kisses me, with a lot of passion. I kiss back, just as passionate.

"Then we go public" Dylan says after pulling away.

"Are you sure?" I ask him. He nods.

"After that speech, I'm sure of everything related to us" I smile at him and kiss him softly this time.

"Let's go out in public then" He says. I smile and grab my bag. We walk downstairs and Victoria is already waiting for us. Dylan grabs his keys and opens the door for us. Victoria and I put our bags in the trunk while Dylan locks his house. We get in the car and drive to the airport.


Juliet's outfit on top :)

Hope you enjoyed this :)

xxxx Pascalle <3

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