Chapter 37

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julietmay : when you have to leave :( dylanobrien



vici.wieland : it'll be alright, babe!

jakeyyy : make a stop in Atlanta and visit me

lucasgrey : hug needed?

tylerposey58 : :((((((((

teenwolflover : omygod no :(((

obrosey : NOOO

hollandroden : I'm going to miss you honey :(

crystalmreed : we'll text everyday!

danielsharman : Vic and I will get you from the airport :)

dailydylan : so sad :(

dailydylan : *waiting for a cute and sad comment from Dylan* : same! dailydylan

shelleyhennig : i'm going to miss you!

dylansprayberry : I'll miss you, but we'll see you soon again!

tposefan : i'm going to miss the pictures :(

arden_cho : miss you already!

mabelll : we'll hang out soon :)

victoriamoroles : see you soon babe!

the_ryan_kelley : we'll see each other soon, miss you!

melissaponzio : miss you sweet child!

julietmay : melissaponzio see you soon mum ! :) <3

julietmay : to all the cast: I love you all <3<3 see you soon!

codychristian : miss you love!

julietmay : codychristian  :)

dylanmyman : still waiting for dylan though

teenwolfdailynews : i think the entire fandom is waiting for dylan's comment

scilesforever : teenwolfdailynews true....

dylanobrien : #dyliet <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


~ Juliet

I already checked my suitcase in and we're at the gate waiting for my flight to be called out. I said goodbye to everyone yesterday. Didn't want to do it today. Dylan and I spend the entire day kissing, cuddling, watching movies and just laying together. My flight is at 9 P.M and it's now 8.15 P.M, which means boarding starts soon.

"We'll text everyday babe. We can even facetime" I say. Dylan just nods with a sad look.

"We'll get through this, I just know it" I say. Dylan nods once again.

"Dyl?" he looks at me and I see tears in his eyes. I hug him tight. He puts his face in between my shoulder and neck.

"I promise you, we'll be alright" I whisper.

"Flight UA673 to Orlando is now boarding. All passengers, please proceed to boarding so we can leave as soon as possible" is being called. I hear Dylan sigh and I feel tears forming in my own eyes. I pull away from Dylan and grab my bag. I turn to Dylan and tears are now streaming down his cheeks.

Kik {Dylan O'Brien}Where stories live. Discover now