Chapter 6

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julietmay : We all get a little crazy sometimes (:



vici.wieland : OMG gorgeous <3_<3

jakeyy : god, i have a beautiful sister

jakeyy : and you don't just get crazy sometimes, you're just crazy

lucasgrey : DAMN

julietmay : jakeyy  thanks Jake....

mabelll : Beautiful babe (: <3

lucywithlove : <3<3<3 why are you so beautiful ?

dylanobrien : you're beautiful !

vici.wieland : JULIET


jakeyy : who is that ? dylanobrien

dylanobrien : just a friend (:

julietmay : vici.wieland mabelll uh, I'll text you ;)


dylanobrien : you're friends are freaking out, aren't they ?

julimay : yes, they are..

julimay : but that's okay, i texted them

dylanobrien : what'd they say ?

julimay : they first got mad that i didn't tell them sooner

julimay : but then i explained everything

julimay : and they were fine

dylanobrien : oh good, i don't want to be the reason you get your friends mad

julimay : they're not mad anymore, so it's okay (:

dylanobrien : good good

dylanobrien : by the way, you're really beautiful

julimay : thank you (:

dylanobrien : you're welcome

dylanobrien : so school tomorrow, huh ?

julimay : don't remind me ! :(:( *cries*

dylanobrien : i'm sorry !!!

julimay : that's okay..

julimay : what are you doing tomorrow ?

dylanobrien : flying to Atlanta actually

julimay : really ? why ?

dylanobrien : have to film for Teen Wolf

julimay : omg, is it a scene with Holland ? ;)

dylanobrien : hahah no, with Tyler (:

julimay : omg, that's just as good!

dylanobrien : you like Tyler ?

julimay : yea (:

dylanobrien has added tpose to the chat

dylanobrien : TYLER

tpose : yo, what's up?

julimay : omg

dylanobrien : Tyler, this is Juliet.

dylanobrien : Juliet, this is Tyler

tpose : hi! nice to meet you!

julimay : oh my god, hi! it's nice to meet you too

tpose : is this the girl you've been talking to Dyl ?

dylanobrien : yeaa

tpose : you told her, i see

julimay : he did

julimay : sorry, wasn't sure if i could jump in

dylanobrien : off course you can

tpose : so, what  were you two talking about?

dylanobrien : you

julimay : oh god

tpose :  me ? what about me ?

julimay : please don't say any humilating things Dylan...

dylanobrien : i told her that we were filming tomorrow

dylanobrien : and she asked if it was a scene with Holland

dylanobrien : so i said no and that it was with you

dylanobrien : and she said 'just as good'

dylanobrien : so i thought let's add Tyler

dylanobrien : so,now you're here

tpose : oh cool!

julimay : that wasn't too bad

tpose : so, when are you coming here?

julimay : not sure.. don't really know Dylan that well, soo...

tpose : well, he's nice! you should really get to know him!

dylanobrien : thanks Ty!

julimay : well that's the plan :) so maybe soon :)


so, i was re-reading chapters and saw that the first time, wattpad only posted like half of the chapter, so i wrote some stuff. i had no idea what i wrote the first time, so sorry :(

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