Chapter 35

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julietmay : best paintball team ever! tylerposey58



tylerdaily : omygod, friendship goals! #Tyliet

hollandroden : you won, I guess? ;)

vici.wieland : omygod, you made the right choice going with T-Pose ;)

mabelll : aren't you hurt ?!

jakeyyy : we're going paintballing soon!

lucasgrey : he's hot... ;)

obrosey : awesome friendship!

dyliet : love this friendship!!

dylanobrien : YES you kicked some ass! #Tyliet :)

codychristian : they cheated...

julietmay : how can we cheat ? codychristian

dylansprayberry : by being mean!

tylerposey58 : babies... #Tyliet


Tyler, Dylan, Cody and I just finished paint balling and we're now at KFC, to eat. We just bought two buckets of chicken strips and we're sharing it.

"I had a lot of fun, guys" I say, midway through my 4th chicken strip.

"I did too. You know what's weird?" Cody says and asks.

"No, tell me?"

"I don't really know a lot of things about you. Like I know your name and where you live and all, but like your favorite of things, no clue"

"Let's play 20 questions with her!" Tyler suggests, all excited and happy. I just nod and wait till someone asks me a question.

"Favorite city you've ever been to?" Dylan asks.

"That would be Miami. I love the beach and the city and Miami has both and the weather is always nice" I say.

"Favorite Teen Wolf villian" Cody asks.

"Sorry, but it's not Theo. It's Nugitsone" I say. They all nod.

"Favorite song at the moment ?" Tyler asks.

"San Francisco by 5 Seconds Of Summer" I say.

"Favorite sport?" Cody asks.

"Soccer or hockey" I say. 

"Favorite moment with Dylan ?" Tyler asks. It's the first answer, I can't give straight away. I think back to all the things we did together. And I remember the moment that I told him about my dad. And then the moment in the plane.

"There were two, actually. Both were really deep conversations. I learned how much he cared for me and how good he is in listening to problems. I don't really want to explain what we talked about, but it helped me a lot. It made me realize that he is the first person I actually felt safe with"

"That's so cute!" Dylan says.

"Do you love him?" Tyler suddenly asks. I look at him and smile.

"Yea, I do"

"Have you told each other yet?" Dylan asks, while taking a bite from his chicken.

"No. Saying 'I love you' is a big deal for me. It's like the thing that makes everything so serious. And I want a serious relationship with Dylan, but we haven't been together for that long and although we've known each other for a bit longer, I don't think now is the right time" I say. They all nod, understanding. 

We finish eating our chicken and head home. When I arrive, nobody's home. I lock the door, not really loving being alone in Dylan's house. I find a note.

Hey baby (: went to the store to get some food for tonight, I'm cooking for you

See you soon, beautiful <3

~ Dylan (:

I smile and fold up the letter. I walk to the bedroom and put the letter in my bag. I'm taking it home with me.


Short ass chapter, I'm sorry :(


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