Chapter 1

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dylanb : so, where are you from ?

julimay : I'm from Orlando, you ?

dylanb : I live in L.A at the moment (:

julimay : at the moment ? Where did you used to live ?

dylanb : long story, rather not tell right now

julimay : oh, okay. Well

julimay : how old are you ?

dylanb : I'm 24, you ?

julimay : 21 (: ):

dylanb : why both ?

julimay : cause I'm legal, but, you're older, so both

dylanb : why do you not like me being older than you ?

julimay : I'm always the youngest

dylanb : oh, well, I don't mind (:

julimay : yay

dylanb : that was sarcastic, wasn't it?

julimay : yea it was.

dylanb : great

julimay : yea

dylanb : so, why did you put your kik on twitter ?

julimay : because I was bored. I wanted to talk to someone

dylanb : well here I am

julimay : here you are

dylanb : what do you look like ?

julimay : you can see on my profile picture

dylanb : I'm to lazy to click on your picture. explain please?

julimay : sigh, fine

julimay : so I have brown, wavy hair. my eyes are green/grey. I'm short, about 5.3ft.

dylanb : cool

dylanb : you sound pretty ;)

julimay : o my god...

dylanb : what ?

julimay : I sound pretty ????

dylanb : yea..

julimay : you're weird.

dylanb : thank you for the nice compliment

julimay : you're welcome

dylanb : I was being sarcastic

julimay : I know..

dylanb : oh cool

julimay : yea

dylanb : this isn't going to well, is it ?

julimay : I don't know

julimay : I don't know what to say, so...

dylanb : well, me neither

julimay : okay, well bye then

dylanb : I'll talk to you tomorrow ?

julimay : sure xx

dylanb : bye x

Kik {Dylan O'Brien}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora