Chapter 24

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tylerposey58 : It was great meeting you! See you soon! julietmay

~ Juliet

I am slowly waking up. I keep my eyes closed, though. I hear a heartbeat in my ear. I frown and open one eye. I am laying on Dylan's chest. One of my hands is resting on his chest and the other is next to him. One of Dylan's hand is resting on my waist and the other on my hand. I hear and feel Dylan's heartbeat in my ear. I don't want to move, so I just stay like this. I close my eyes again and just listen to his heartbeat. It gets unsteady and I feel him slightly moving, but he stops after a few seconds. The hand that is resting on my waist, moves a little. He holds me a bit closer, not to much. I am trying to be as steady as I can, so he won't know I'm awake. The hand that is holding mine moves too. He interwines our fingers together, slowly. If I was still asleep, I wouldn't have woken up because of it. I now notice my leg is really close with his. They're pressed against each other. I really want to be with him like this all the time. I don't want to wake up without him anymore, knowing that it can be like this.

"Juliet?" Dylan whispers. Should I answer him, or not? I decide not to and see what he does.

"Juliet, I need to pee" I try to hold in my giggles and it works. Would he 'wake' me up for it? But he doesn't. I hear him sigh, but holds on to me closer. I cuddle a bit more into him, still pretending to be asleep. Am I being mean ? I'm not sure, but he doesn't mind.

"It'll be your fault if you wake up in a wet bed" Dylan says. It's getting really hard not to laugh right now. I could try and pretend to roll away from him. Should I ? I don't want to  be awake, but I don't want him to pee, so I decide to slowly losen my grip on him and roll away, not to much, but just slightly. I feel him kissing my forehead and getting out of bed. When I hear the bathroom door closing, I slowly open my eyes. I hear the toilet and the bathroom door opening. I close my eyes again and hear him closing the bedroom door. I feel him getting in to bed again. As I am laying on my side right now, with my back towards him, he lays next to me, putting his arm around me. I smile slightly. He had to chance to not lay with me, but he came to me anyway. I realise how much I actually like him, more than I thought.

"Are you awake, July?" I moan and roll over, opening my eyes and seeing his.

"I am" I mumble. Dylan smiles.

"Thank you for letting me pee" he says. I giggle.

"You knew I was awake?" I ask him and he nods.

"Then why didn't you push me away?" I ask him, rolling more over so I can look at him better.

"Because I loved the way you were laying with me" Dylan says. I smile. Dylan slowly leans in and kisses my lips softly.

"I don't even care that we both haven't brushed our teeth yet" Dylan mumbles. I giggle and kiss him back. He puts one hands on my waist and the other on my cheek. I move my hands to his chest.

"You know?" I say when we pull away. Dylan just looks at me, with his eyebrows raised, waiting for me to continue.

"You have a really great body" I say. Dylan chuckles.

"You too" he says. Dylan rolls over on his back and pulls me with him, so I'm laying with him again, my head resting on his chest.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask him.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" he asks me.

"I don't know, this" I say.

"I'd like that. What about staying in bed for a little longer, than we get ready and decide on what to do" he suggests.

"Yea, that's a good idea" I say. Dylan pulls me closer and I put my arm around him. I put one leg in between his and snuggle close to him.

"July?" I love how he calls me that. Ever since I told him that if you get rid of the e&t in my name and get juli, it is actually the month July in Dutch, he calls me that, instead of Juli.


"Do you feel the same way as I do right now?" he asks. I smile.

"How do you feel right now?" I ask him.

"Like I want to stay like this forever. Like I need to wake up like this forever. I don't know how I am supposed to wake up without you ever again. I need you here with me" he says. I blush slightly.

"I feel like that as well" I say. Dylan moves and pushes me off him, rolling over so he is laying on top off me, looking down at me.

"Be mine?" he asks. My eyes widen a bit, making his do the same. But after a few seconds, I realise that it is exactly what I want.

"Off course, I'll be yours" I say. Dylan smiles widely and kisses me. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him back. He moves his hands to my waist and smiles into the kiss, me doing the same. He pulls away and smiles at me. He rolls off of me and grabs his phone. I frown, but he opens his camera. He lays next to me, pulling me close and pointing the camera towards us. I lay my head on his shoulder and he takes a picture. He puts me in the group chat with the Teen Wolf family on kik again and sends the picture, captioning it with : waking up next to MY girl <3, good morning guys (:

 I smile and save the picture after grabbing my phone. I look at the replies.

tpose : FINALLY <3

hollroden : So happy for you guys! good morning (:

shelleyH : wooo congrats!

The others aren't awake yet. It's 11 A.M.

"Should we go out of bed?" I ask Dylan. He looks at me and nods.

"Let's go" he says and throws the covers off of us.


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xxx Pascalle <3

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