Chapter 20

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~ Juliet

It's 6 A.M in the morning. I sit up in my bed after turning my alarm clock off. I actually slept. I honestly thought that I wouldn't get much sleep, because of my excitement. But I was so tired, I slept for 7 hours. I look again at the time, really seeing 6.02 A.M on my phone. Dylan isn't anywhere near being awake right now. In a few hours, I'll be hugging him.

I slowly push the covers off of me. I get out of my bed and walk to my underwair drawer. I grab clean underwair and a hair elastic. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I let it heat up, takemy pyjama's off and get in the shower. I wash my hair and body and just stay under the hot water for a few moments. I turn the shower off and get out. I put my hair in a towel and put it on my head. I then dry myself off and put on my underwair.

I walk back into my room and close my door. I put on some music, softly, so my mum doesn't hear it. She hates waking up because of my music. She wakes up in a few though.

Anyway, I walk over to my closet. I don't really know what to wear. I might just wear joga pants and a top. I spot my black joga pants and grab them. I put them on and look for a tank top. I find a white t shirt and put that one on as well. I close my closet and walk over to my make up bag, that I left out of my suitcase, so I can still use it. I don't use much though. I mean, I have a flight of 5 hours, don't feel like making myself look amazing. So, I just grab some concealer and foundation and finish with mascara. That's it. I close my make up bag and put it in my suitcase. I brush through my hair and put it in a high ponytail. It's still a bit wet, but I'm to lazy to dry it. Don't really have the time anyway.

I walk over to my bed table and grab my charger. I put it in my suitcase and close it. I now packed everything I need. I walk over to my bag that I'm taking in the plane. I put in my ear phones, wallet, passport, keys, and a book. I also have some lip balm in there, as my lips always get dry in planes.

I grab my bag and hang it over my shoulder. I take my phone and my suitcase and take it to the living room. My suitcase isn't to heavy, so I can take it downstairs without any problems. My mum is in the livingroom with a cup of coffee.

"Morning sweetie" she says. I smile at her.

"Morning mum" she smiles back at me.

"Maybe you can bring your laptop as well by the way. We could skype sometime" my mum says.

"Yea, good idea. Let me go grab it" I run back upstairs and take my laptop and charger. I put them in my bag because I don't trust airport people to not steal it. I put the charger in my suitcase though. Who cares if they steal that ?

"Got it" I tell my mum. She nods and finishes her coffee.

"Do you need to eat something?" she asks me. I shake my head.

"No, I'll get something at the airport, Starbucks or something" she nods and stands up.

"Are you ready then ?" she asks. I nod and smile. It's really happening. I'm meeting Dylan.

"Let's go then" my mum says. I grab my suitcase and take it to the car. I put it in the trunk and sit next to my mum. My mum gets in the car after locking the front door and drives away. It's about 40 minutes to the airport.

I open my Instagram after remembering that Dylan wanted to know what I'm wearing.

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