Chapter 12

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julimay : I PASSED

julimay : i'm sorry i wasn't her sooner

julimay : i missed my train on my way to the exam

julimay : i had to run towards the building

julimay : i was all sweating and stuff

julimay : i had 5 minutes to get myself ready

julimay : and i was super nervous!

julimay : but then i heard your voice in my head saying

julimay : you can do this juliet

julimay : so i did

julimay : and i passed :)

dylanobrien : that's great!!

dylanobrien : i'm so proud!

julimay : thank you!

julimay : so, what did you want to talk to me about ?

dylanobrien : i forgot

julimay : you didn't, what's up?

dylanobrien : i really forgot juliet.

julimay : you sure ? you can tell me anything

julimay : you know that, right ?

dylanobrien : yea, but i just forgot

dylanobrien : i was reading lines and it just slipped out of my mind i guess

julimay : okay

julimay : if you say so

dylanobrien : yes, i say so

julimay : okay, well, i am going to take the train and stuff

julimay : i'll kik you when i get home

dylanobrien : okay

julimay : are you mad at me ?

julimay : for not reacting sooner ?

dylanobrien : no

julimay : are you sure ?

dylanobrien : yes

julimay : well, i don't believe you

dylanobrien : god damnit, why the fuck not ?

julimay : because of exactly how you're being right now

julimay : you never respond so coldly

julimay : and you never curse towards me

julimay : so that's the reason

dylanobrien : well i'm not mad

julimay : WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TELL ME ?!?!

dylanobrien : relax

julimay : don't tell me what to do!

julimay : you have to tell me something!

julimay : i know you well enough to know that it just didn't slip your mind

julimay : and if you don't tell me, i'll ask holland

dylanobrien : how, you don't have her number or kik ?

julimay : i can ask her on instagram

julimay : you can send private things to someone, so i can just do that

julimay : and by the way, you just admitted that you didn't forget

dylanobrien : how did i admit that ?

julimay : because you didn't deny it and when i said i'd ask holland you asked me how and not that i couldn't

dylanobrien : well holland might still know, but i don't

julimay : you know what ?

julimay : fine, don't tell me

julimay : i'm going

julimay : BYE

dylanobrien : no wait, Juliet

dylanobrien : please don't leave

dylanobrien : i'm sorry

dylanobrien : come back, please!!

dylanobrien : damn it

dylanobrien : okay fine

dylanobrien : when you come back, i'll tell you

dylanobrien : i promise

julimay : what is it ?

dylanobrien : you're still here

julimay : what is it ?

dylanobrien : are you sure you want to know ?

dylanobrien : because when i tell you, you can't go back to not knowing

julimay : what is it ?

dylanobrien : i think i like you

julimay : i like you to, what was the problem of telling me that

dylanobrien : no i mean

dylanobrien : i think i like like you

dylanobrien : like 'wanting to be with you' like you

julimay : oh

julimay : that like

dylanobrien : yea

julimay : well

julimay : i think i like you too



I've written 12 chapters in two days..

I might be obsessed with writing for this fanfiction

by the way, GET WELL SOON DYLAN <3

xxx Pascalle <3

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