"I'll go easy then, babe." He says, stepping forward and kissing me. I wrap my hands around his neck and he carries me to the bed.

Let's just say that things got heated.
I slowly open my eyes to see Preston and I in a tangle of limbs, but his arm wrapped securely around me, protecting me.

I shiver and look down... And realize I'm not clothed. FUDGEFUDGEFUDGEFUDGEFUDGE WE ACTUALLY DID IT... I THOUGHT IT WAS A DREAM...

Preston yawns next to me, and I pretend to sleep, hoping to make the situation less awkward. However, the pounding of my heart gives it away.

"Caitlin? I know you're awake." Preston says in his hoarse morning voice I can never get over... Is it funny or sexy????

I open my eyes and blush, getting the somewhat dirty thought out of my mind and the image of last night... You know what? I'll just stop thinking about it.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Morning." He smiles.

"Morning." I reply.

"You feel okay?" He asks.

"Yeah... Can you turn around
For a sec?" I ask, blushing.

"Alright." He says, turning over, understanding that this is my first time.

"And no peaking!" I add, standing up and grabbing some clothes.

"No promises." He says, and I blush.

"Whatever. I'm taking a shower." I reply, painfully limping slightly to the bathroom and clutching my beating heart.

Our relationship has reached a whole other level.

I step out of the shower twenty minutes later and throw on the clothes I brought with me. I brush brought my long hair and set it to the side, ten look at my neck. I blush, seeing the marks he left.

Okay, really. I need to stop thinking dirty.

I take a deep breath and exit the bathroom to see Preston still in bed.

I smile while going to the dresser and putting some earrings on. "Get up, you lazy cactus jones."

"But I'm so tiiiireeeeddd..." He whines. "Come lay with meeeeee...."

I blush, as what he says has multiple meanings.

What am I thinking?! Stop it Caitlin!! Stop it with your non-virgin thoughts!!

"Nope." I reply, turning to him. "I'm going to do something today!" I slowly limp to the door.

"Looks like your body says otherwise." He sitting says, and I internally groan but my face flushed bright red. Good thing he can't see my face...

"W-whatever. S-s-see you." I reply, walking out the door.

"See you, beautiful!" He says as I close the door, my face bright red.

"Au revoir mon copain!" I quickly say in French. Yes, I speak a different language when I'm nervous. It's my second language.
"Here you go, ma'am."

"Thank you." I reply, taking the bag from him. After countless hours of thinking and planning and just plain confusion, I have got Preston the perfect present. I smile, remembering all the photos.

I hope he'll like it...

I drive to the nearest Starbucks and take a corner spot. I grab the bag of photos and photo album and set to work.

After two hours, and many strange and angered glares, I smile at my masterpiece. I spent about two weeks on this... And multiple days planning...

"Oh! I almost forgot!" I whisper to myself, pulling out the multiple drawings I drew. I put the first one on the cover; it's a detailed drawing of me and Preston taking a selfie. I put the other two further inside and admire my masterpiece.

As I flip through each page, my smile grows bigger and more radiant.

It's perfect....

Imperfectly Perfect [Book 1] ~ {A TBNRfrags fanfic}  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now