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I opened the door to my room and Anton got in after me, I sat in front of the computer to start it. He was looking to the greenblue walls, one of them with a lot of photographs taken by me or me with my friends. He was analizing everything "You're room is cute" he said smiling and I pushed a black puff to my side and gesture for him to sit "I like the color, its teal. Is my favourite color, because I like blue and green and teal is a mix"

"My favourite color is, probably, light turquoise, its similar"

"Your photos are cool, but I understand why you prefer music, your music is better"

I smiled and search for my music paste on the computer, I looked to him in the eyes "Ok, Anton, I'm really serious right now," I said and almost laugh because of his face, he was serious but hilarious at the same time "I haven't shown it to anyone yet, some of them need improvement, I'm going to show it to you because I trust you" I smiled, almost laughing "You can't tell anyone what's in this very paste"

"Ok ok, it's our little secret" We laugh, I opened the paste and type a password "Wow, you're showing me something that is on a paste with a password" he said joking.

"Yeah, do you feel special?"

"Sooo special!!!" I laugh and he smiled messing with my brown hair.

He listen to the 5 musics I had already finish and gave a few advices, I could see he was honest in everything he said, he told me I should make some of the musics with other musicians and told me to add Yourself to the album, that was the first music Jade posted and everyone who listened to my music liked the most. We were now sitting in my bed with our back on the wall and our legs were touching and my music was playing.

"But yeah, they are good, I actually think the second one doesn't need anything, it's perfect" he said turning his head to me.

"Really?" he nodded "Do you feel like telling a story when your making an album?"

"Definitley, you too?" I nodded "What story are you telling?"

"Is this girl that was happy but never completely happy, then she met amazing people and got an opportunity that lead her to full happyness"

"Hmm, based on a true story?" he said smiling.

"Hm, no, why do you ask? You relate anyone with that?"

"Hmmm," he put his hand on his chin, like he was thinking "no, no, no one" we laugh "So what is going to be the name of the album?"

"That's a good question, that doesn't have an answer yet" I made a ballon with my gum and he touched it with his finger, making me have gum all over my face "thank you so much" he laugh and I stoop up, throwing my gum and all the little parts from it on the garbage. I could see he was thinking about a name for my album and also laughing of my face full of gum. "Do you think Kat is a cool name for me to present the world?" I said and laid down with my head touching his leg but not on his leg.

He seemed surprised by my act, but I just kept looking to the ceiling and he started playing with my hair "Yeah, it's simple and cute"

"It doesn't seem special, a lot of people call me that"

"Well, a lot of people, like everyone, call Dillon, guess what?" I rolled my eyes "Dillon!"

My hand hited his face softly and joking "Silly"

"I guess a lot of people use their name and you're using your nickname, that's pretty normal"

"Why did you chose Zedd?" I said searching for his eyes, he grabbed my head and put it above his leg, still holding it.

"Because, except for USA, everywhere in the world, the letter "Z" is pronounced as "Zed" which is the first letter of my last name, I was too lazy to think of a name so I just took "Zedd" with two d's since "Zed" was already taken by some random dude" I laugh.

"Ok, then your name is Zedd because you're lazy, I guess mine is Kat because I'm lazy to think of anything else too. But for a lazy guy, you have a cool name"

"Well, for a lazy girl you have a cool name too"

"Thank you bunny eyes" 

"You're welcome pretty eyes"

"Stop! My eyes are not pretty!"

"Yes, they are. And my eyes are not like a bunny!"

"Yes, they are, sometimes! And my eyes are just dark brown"

"They are a beautiful dark brown, anyone can get lost in those" he said looking to them.

"Oh, stop Mr. Zaslavski" I didn't exactly said Zaslavski nicely because Anton started laughing a lot "Stop laughing at me! It's not my fault I don't know how to say a german name!!"

He tried to stop laughing, his eyes were red for so much he had laugh "You were the funniest person saying my name ever" he laugh a little more and I rolled my eyes "And it's not german, it's pólish" 

I laugh and laugh and he was staring at me like I was crazy, I stopped and still laughing slightly "Polish, is not pólish or whatever you just said"

"Oh, sorry mommy!" he said jesting with me and moving his hand on my face and without me waiting he threw a pillow to my face "That is for larking over my accent"

"What? I did no such thing!" I laugh and grabbed a pillow, throwing it to his face "And this is for jesting with me because I don't know how to say your last name"

"Oh! You want a war??" We started a pillow fight like to little kids. 

When I was already tired I throw myself to the bed "I give up! You won! I'm dying! I think I might need my asma inhalor" I said but just joking.

Anton layed on my bed next to me with his face above mine and his hand touching my face again "Really? Where is it?"

"Oh, I don't, sorry. Bad joke, right Mr. Zasl..." and I stopped saying and started smiling, our faces were close, that feeling was nice.

"Say it again" he said smiling, clearly waiting for me to say Zaslavski so that he could laugh at me.

"Not happening" I said, looking the other way.

"Pleasee" he asked, I said no with my head "I promise I won't laugh" he said, laughing.

"You're already laughing, you silly!"

"Sorry" he laughed more and came closer to me. 

Someone knocked on my door and opened it immediately, we both stood up fast, sitting on the bed. "Yeah?" I said like nothing strange had happened and realised it was Jade, with a ponytail and a confused look on her face.

"Sorry! Oh, I'm really, sorry! I didn't know you were here, Anton. Hi" I laugh "So, your mom told me to tell that dinner is ready"

We all got to the table, my parents were really nice to Anton and I could feel he was comfortable, wich was cool. While we were waiting for desert, my mom's famous chocolate cake, our hands touched under the table and we were holding hands. It was strange and we didn't knew why was happening but it was. It felt good to touch him, to be with him, everything we did toghether always made me feel better. God, he was amazing.

Once a dream, then a reality(Zedd/Anton Zaslavski fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now