I blush some more and look away from him, the pastor comes out and the sermon begins. I feel bad because I mostly watch Keaton watching the sermon. I notice how he tries to take everything in and he smiles when the pastor tries to joke around. I can't stop thinking about his hand over mine, I want to turn mine over and intertwine our fingers but I'm nervous. I'm not even sure why, it helps to know Keaton is nervous too but it doesn't take away my butterflies.

Before I know it the Pastor is praying us out, I glance at Keaton out of the corner of my eye and smile to myself as I take his appearance in, he's bowing his head and closing his eyes. He looks awkward and very adorable. When he opens his eyes he catches me looking at him, I blush and he smiles at me, I smile back. We all stand up and make our way outside, my hands are around Keaton's arm again and it feels amazing to actually touch him. As weird as that sounds it's still great.

We make it outside and I shiver as the cold night breeze hits me, Keaton feels me shiver and looks down at me with worry in his eyes. He takes off his jacket and wraps it around my shoulders. I blush as I watch him, he was so sweet. 

"Better?" Keaton asks, his hands are still on the jacket that is now around my shoulders, I smile at him and nod. The jacket is warm and it smells like him, he doesn't necessarily smell like cologne just his own special scent.  We all walk to the benches outside the church, my parents usually go and talk to some people for a few minutes after wards so we sit down to wait.

Keaton slides in next to me, we sit across from Kyle and Alyssa and Steven and Kylie sit next to me and Keaton. 

"We should go eat after this." Kyle says to us all, we usually go to taco bell after church and Kyle drives us home but I'm not sure if we are since Keaton is with us. I look at Keaton and he smiles at me

"Sounds good to me." Keaton says still looking at me smiling, I smile back at him.

"Okay, taco bell again?" I ask and everyone agrees excitedly.

"I think I have room in my car if we all squeeze in." Kyle says to us, he has an escalade and usually we all fit fine, but usually it's just the 5 of us.

"Will you be able to get a ride home?" I ask Keaton 

"Yeah I think so, I'll try to get picked up at Taco Bell." Keaton says back to me smiling. I feel bad for changing the plans last minute but he seems fine with it.

"Hey guys!" I hear my mom say to the table "Taco Bell again?" She asks looking at me

"Yeah if it's alright, Kyle was gonna take us there and drop us off as usual." I tell my mom 

"How's Keaton getting home?" My mom asks me with worry in her blue eyes

"His ride is picking him up at Taco Bell." I explain, she nods and takes Lou's hand again, I smile at their interaction.

"We're going to head home, text me Rachel! Bye guys." She says, her and Lou walking off, I expected Lou to be all over Keaton but he wasn't. 

"Lets go." Kyle says getting up and helping Alyssa of the bench grabbing her hand. Kyle is a senior and whenever we go somewhere he usually drives us around. When we reach his car he says for me and Keaton to go in the way back of the car, I get in first and sit down taking the time to put my arms in Keaton's jacket. It's big on me of course but I love it. Keaton comes crawling back and I laugh as he tries to fit his built body into the back.

He laughs with me as Kylie and Steven crawl in the seats in front of us and Kyle and Alyssa take their seats in the front. Kyle starts the car and reaches over to take Alyssa's hand, he always holds her hand when he drives. It scared me at first but I'm used to it now.

I look over at Keaton and he smiles at me, he puts his arm around me and I blush slightly at the contact.

"Is this okay?" Keaton asks me quietly, I smile at his kindness

"Of course." I say and he smiles at me, his eyes bright. I lean into his body a little bit and he seems to get more comfortable, leaning slightly into me as well. 

"Oh my gosh I love this song!" Kylie's small voice blurts through the car, Kyle turns it up and of course the song on the radio is Blurred Lines. I think it's overplayed but Kylie loves it, I laugh at her as she sings the words, her and Steven dancing around. They really are a great couple. Keaton laughs at them and I feel his chest vibrate.

We pull up to Taco Bell and we all get out of the car, it takes a while since we're all piled in. Keaton doesn't take his arm away from my shoulders as we walk up to taco bell. I'm glad Keaton likes public displays of affection, I think it's sweet. When we get into the building I notice their is only one group of girls in the building.

They're are about 4 of them and they're all pretty, a few blondes and one brunette. We go up to order and I consider only getting a drink, my stomach still has butterflies but I go against my thoughts. I order a Doritos locos taco and cheesy fiesta potatoes with a rainbow freeze. I wait as the rest of my friends order and we all sit down in a large booth.

I hear gasps and I look over at the girls who are looking at us and pointing. Why are they looking over here? Oh wait.. I'm at dinner with Keaton Stromberg, and he still has his arm around my shoulder as we all sit around the booth. The girls walk up to us and wave.

"Hi Keaton!" One of the blonde says nervously.

"Hey girls." Keaton says smiling at them, he doesn't take his arm away from me which makes me happy.

"Can we take a picture with you?" The same blonde asks.

Keaton looks at me as if asking if it's okay, I smile at him and he responds

"Of course."

I scoot out of the booth so he can get out. The blonde girl hands me her phone

"Can you take the picture?" She asks sweetly, they seems nice. I smile and nod before taking her phone. The girls pile in around Keaton and they all smile, it feels weird taking this picture. I don't know why exactly. I take 3 pictures just to make sure they're are more if one comes out bad. I hand her her phone and she thanks me, the girls say goodbye to Keaton and he responds sweetly, just as I think they were about to leave the blonde one turns to Keaton.

"She's really pretty Keaton." She says nodding her head to me.

I felt my eyes widen and my cheeks get hot at her words, I'm embarrassed and I'm not sure why. Keaton smiles at her then looks at me

"She is isn't she?" Keaton says smiling at me, his words hit me hard and I feel my lips curl into a smile at his words. I feel my cheeks blush as the girls all say "aww" together. Keaton and I pile back into the booth and the girl's leave the building.

They call our numbers for food and Kyle offers to grab it, when he leaves I look up at Keaton, he's looking back at me. He smiles and I smile back, I remember his words and I blush slightly. I feel his hand curl around mine and this time I intertwine our fingers. 

When our food comes me and Keaton continue to hold hands and only eat with one hand. We laugh as Alyssa tells us embarrassing stories about Kyle and Kylie talks about her baby brother's first words. When we're done eating we throw away our food, Keaton's hand leaves mine only to let me throw away my food then he grabs it again.

I smile at him and he smiles back nervously. His phone goes off and he looks at me apologetically before pulling his phone out of his pocket taking his hand away from mine. His brows come together as he reads the text.

"Everything okay?" I ask him

"Well my ride is stuck in traffic, I  might be here for an hour." Keaton explains.

There's no way I can leave him at Taco Bell,

"You can come home with me."

Be My Reason (A Keaton Stromberg Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now