Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Pulling on my jeans and a t-shirt I walked out of my room, I walked straight into 'her' mother. She stood in front of my folding her arms over her chest. I stood looking at anything but her, she looked so much like her daughter it was terrifying.

"We need to talk." I looked at her finally meeting her eyes. I gave her a cold stare.

"No we don't." She slapped me over the back of the head hard and I growled. She glared at me, probably not a good thing to growl at Meredith. She was just as scary as her daughter, maybe more.

"Growl at me again fido and see where it gets you." She snarled at I sighed rolling my eyes.

"What do you want."

"Watch your tone boy." I groaned and she slapped me again.

"Would you stop hitting me!" Before I even noticed, Meredith had pulled back her clenched fist and punched my side. I gasped winded and collapsed to my knees. For a mother of seven kids she packs one hell of a punch. Standing up straight I looked at Meredith.

"We need your help." I blinked, why did she need my help?

"With what?" I asked, I saw her jaw clench slightly.

"With my daughter." I looked away, I was grateful she didn't say her name.

"Sorry, can't help you." I started to walk away when I felt her pull on my arm.

"Cameron just hear my out-"

"No Meredith. I have to go..." I walked to the top of the stairs when I froze in place. I physically couldn't move, it was like I was paralyzed. I tried to open my mouth to speak but I couldn't, it was if I wasn't in control of my body anymore.

I heard Meredith walk slowly towards me, she stood in front of me a few metres away with her hand raised towards my chest. I watched her and she stood looking at me as if in deep concentration. What the hell was going on? Was she doing this?

"Did you know Cameron that the human body is made up of over 70% of water? Being a Mer, you know that we can control water. We can make it stop, make it boil, make it freeze, make it move yada yada yada... So we can effectively control the water in your body, of course it takes a long time to learn how to do and how not to accidentally boil your body from the inside out." She spoke calmly, oh well that's comforting.

"Now listen to me. There is something wrong with her, she's hurting and we all know she's not in love with Mason. This is killing you both Cameron and you know it. She's planning something, something dangerous I can feel it. Meet us in the forest on our land tonight, we'll explain everything there." She lowered her hand and I gasped as she let me go. Standing up straight I glared at her.

"And what makes you think I'll turn up?" I sneered, she snorted as if it wasn't obvious.

"Because you're still in love with her dumb ass!" Before I had a chance to argue she was gone stomping her way down the stairs, I shook my head. She has all the grace and charm as her daughter.

 Pulling out my phone I dialed the number of my new friend Kevin, walking down the stairs I headed and sat down on the couch in the empty living room. Kevon answered after the third ring.

"Hey man what's up?" He asked sounding bored, stretching my legs out I sighed.

"You wanna come over? Oh and bring the usual." I said, it was more of an order then a question. Anyone else would have been pissed off at my attitude but not Kevin, he was used to it.


The Mermaid And The Alpha ~ COMPLETED BUT UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now