I groaned and finished texting Dante.

"Did you miss me peanut butter cup?" I decided to ignore him and continue taking notes.  I felt a poke in my side and flinched.
I looked at Duncan and he smiled innocently at me.  I rolled my eyes and kept taking notes.

"Peanut butter cup." He whispered. "Really? You're ignoring me?" He groaned and starting poking me more.
I turned around and slapped his away. 20 seconds until the bell rings and I can go to lunch.

"Finally!" I packed up my stuff and ran out of the class before Duncan could talk to me.

I went to go find Orianna so we could get lunch. I looked at my phone to see if Dante had replied yet and I'm not sure if I wanted to reply to his text Dante- We need to talk.
No one wants to hear that. Ever. Maybe he decided I was too young for him? I mean I'm an adult but I'm still in high school. Maybe he doesn't like me? Maybe he lied to make me feel good about my self? I was freaking out to say the least. I didn't want him to know that so I texted him back saying "okay." He quickly texted me back.

Dante- I need to tell you something... I haven't been completely honest with you. I.... I, uh don't know how to tell you this but here it goes... I told you I like you a lot. I mean it. I just... Can't deal with this right now.

Ressie- Deal with what Dante? Deal with me?

Dante- Don't be like that.

Ressie- Be like what???? You "can't deal with this." That's what YOU just said. Nothing has even started and you're giving up.

Dante- Rebecca, stop it. You don't know me so stop trying to act like you do. I'm taking time away from everything for a couple of days. Maybe 3 at the most. I won't be texting you.
What the fuck?

Ressie- Just me? Wow. Didn't realize I was such a fuck up, but okay.

Dante- It's not just you kid. I'm not talking to anyone.

Ressie- Did you just call me a kid? Seriously? There is honestly no nice word for you in my vocabulary at the moment. You called me babe THE OTHER DAY. Just two days ago. Now you wanna act all macho and... You know what, go ahead. Have fun with your mini vacation or whatever you're calling it. Just hope she's worth it.

Dante- I never said anything about another woman.

Ressie- Dante, you're a man. You're a guy. I've been hurt enough to know when there's another girl or whatever.

Dante- You know what? Fuck you. Not everything is about you. I'm not trying to hurt you. Stop being a drama queen and go to class with the other kids in your school.

Ressie- So the truth comes out, huh. You should've been straight up with me from the start but it's okay. I'm sorry I'm such a kid. I'm sorry I'm over reacting. I'm SORRY okay? I just can't ever do anything right can I? I get it, if you don't want to ever talk to me again. I'm not the best person. I just really hope you continue to talk to me and everything ends up being good after the 3 days.

Dante- Rebecca, I promise I won't stop talking you but I need to just take these days for some personal time. I have things I need to sort out. I'm sorry.

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