Start from the beginning

She rolled her eyes and stood up, addressing the coach full of students. "Alright, don't be too loud it's four in the morning, don't say anything related to terrorism at the airport, because they will take you away and we will not stop them, if whoever called the bomb disposal unit is on this coach, then please do not do that at the airport, or even talk about bombs or terrorism. If any of you are stupid enough to have any drugs on you, have fun at border control. Also have a good time and that, be don't get us in any trouble, alright? It's four in the morning, it's too early. Also if some random comes up to you and asks you to come into his van for some sweets, you don't follow him, alright? Mr Molko do you want to tell them that in French-"

"Do you really think that's necessary?" Brian Molko stood up, "look kids, if some random creepy French dude comes up to you and maybe seems like he's asking you to go somewhere, just kick him in the balls, okay?"

"Unless he works for the airport, or, you know the police." Gerard added, failing in looking even vaguely serious.

"Even better if he works for the police." Frank muttered just so Gerard could hear, and Gerard couldn't help but burst into laughter, causing the whole coach to look at them, and even the driver who they'd never met before, begin to ship Frerard.

"Anyway, okay? Should we do a final check that everyone's here?" Gerard looked up to see Megan Clifford waving a flag that read 'Frerard' with a rainbow drawn beside it really half assed in sharpie. "Megan, you're an art student, you can do better than that, come on." He rolled his eyes and made his way down the aisle to where Megan was sat, "hey, put it away or I'll confiscate it-" He was cut off as he looked to the seat beside Megan and saw Ryan Ross leaning back against the window. "You're not supposed to be here."

"I'm in your art class, though. What is stopping me being here? Come on, you can call Mr Urie right now and he'll tell you that I'm supposed to be here." Ryan insisted, smirking at Megan as he spoke.

"I do wonder why he would instantly confirm that." Gerard let out a sigh, knowing that Ryan did have a point. "You know just turning up to my art classes doesn't mean you're officially a member?"

"Surely if you didn't want me there then you would kick me out." Ryan held a very valid point.

"Hey, what's go-" Frank appeared behind Gerard, coming to the back of the bus to see what was keeping him so long. "Oh, Jesus fucking Christ-"

"Bonjour." Ryan grinned in Frank's direction.

"Is it too late to kick him off the bus?" Frank turned to Gerard, deadly serious.

"It'd piss Mr Urie off." Gerard gave a shrug, "and I kind of don't want him to set his fucking owl on me."

Frank burst into laughter at the mental image. "Look, okay, Ryan you can stay, as long as you don't act like too much of an ass, because in that case, we will happily fucking leave you in France. And if you ever need to talk to a teacher about anything on this trip, you go to Mr Molko, okay?"

Ryan nodded, "alright, whatever. You shouldn't hate him that much though, I mean he's clearly not trying to fuck Mr Way anymore, and has accepted that Frerard is real, like the rest of us."

Frank let out a sigh, "Fre-... Me and Mr Way aren't... it's not... you know what, Ryan, just shut the fuck up?"

Megan grinned as Frank and Mr Way walked back to their seats at the front of the bus, having recorded that conversation discreetly on her phone, ready for the Frerard 'France' video edit she was going to make and upload to her youtube channel, xxMeganCliffordxx, after the trip. She wasn't however sure which song she was going to make it to yet, but was entirely open to suggestions in the comments on her last video.

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