24: Don't Kinkshame Me, Mr Urie

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The weird thing was that they'd kind of gotten into a state where what they had was normal. Because they spent time together, even outside of school, even in each other's houses, kissed, fucked, fucking cuddled, had Netflix and chill, everything normal couples do, and yet they were still Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross, and somehow perhaps even in love with one another.

Which was certainly odd.

The headteacher and the deemed worst kid in school, not just fucking, but dating - who would have called that?

Well, Megan was going around telling everybody but it wasn't like anyone believed her, which made it, if anything just amusing for Ryan, because what was technically, fucking legally an illegal and abusive relationship was really anything but, because Brendon cared, hell, he cared more about Ryan than he did the entire school, which wasn't really that hard to accomplish, thinking about it, but the point was, that they mattered one hell of a lot to each other, even if people struggled to see how they could work, they did, and that was that.

People didn't talk about, 'Brenyan', as Megan had dubbed it, like they did 'Frerard', also something Megan believed she'd invented, which was odd due to the fact, that despite very popular belief, Frank and Gerard weren't actually in anyway romantically involved, yet, and Ryan had literally sucked Brendon Urie's cock in his office earlier that day, making him fourteen minutes late to English, which he'd gotten a detention for, and now stood in Mr Urie's office, insisting that he got him out of it, because technically it was Brendon's fault.

"I didn't have to suck your cock, you know?" Ryan reminded him, sat on the end of his desk, meeting his gaze with an oddly constructed, very unbelievable puppy dog eyed look. "I did it out of the kindness of my heart."

"The kindness of your heart?" Brendon scoffed, "you mean, the horniness of your dick?"

"Yeah, whatever, still, I did it because I think you're really hot, Brendon," Ryan pleaded, even going as far as pouting, trashing all dignity he had ever once claimed in favour of not staying after school for half an hour or so, which of course, seriously cut down on the amount of time he could sit around at home and smoke weed and work on this song he'd been writing that totally wasn't about Brendon.

"It's half an hour, Ryan, come on, you haven't been in detention in far too long, I mean, considering the shit you pull, I can't get you out of everything!" Brendon exclaimed, shaking his head, but the truth was, of course, that he could, he just didn't want Ryan to think he could just bullshit his way through everything with no consequences; Brendon wanted him to pass, to get somewhere in life, as unlikely as it may seem to everyone else, he did indeed believe in him.

"Fucking sucks, though, doesn't it?" Ryan rolled his eyes, "I didn't want to get sucked in that way, I mean, you never got me off, so come on, really, that's not fair, you never got me off and now you're making me do detention!"

"Ryan, you have to fucking do it." Brendon leaned back in his chair, wondering just how on earth he'd ever gotten so close to Ryan Ross, of all people.

"Don't kinkshame me, Mr Urie!" Ryan exclaimed, leaving Brendon to look at him like he was indeed utterly mental.

"You what?" Brendon looked up at him in disbelief, "what the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm offended. Don't fucking kinkshame me-"

"I'm saying you deserve a detention for being late, how is that-"

"It's your fault I was late. I was sucking you off." Ryan reminded him, stepping closer and pushing at his shoulder a little in order to emphasise his point.

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