Chapter 14

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xion pov

it been weeks since arcee attacked me. Optimus was pissed at her for what she had done to me. I told him that she was sorry and was just jealous but man optimus was ticked off. Arcee was in a tight leash after that. He told her that she let her emotions of her lost mate get to her. Right now we were making up as friends.

arcee was now more friendly towards me and loves to hang out and talk about girl things. She was really interested in the topic.then we end up talking about sex. I could of swore that arcee told me she did it with cliff. My face was hot after that.I tried to change the topic but

"soooo are you going to do it" she said as she smiled devilishly I looked at her weird "the hell you talking about arcee no"I said but I know that we are going to do but I'm not ready for that yet. "Mmm then your faceplate is turning blue "she said

I looked myself at a small mirror.I was surprise but I came up with an idea to change the subject "well if we are you welcome to join"after I said that her face was priceless 'HELL NO dark flare I'm out Chang subject" she said I fist pump in the air in victory"Yes I won "I said

we were headed to the main room when a certain mech grabbed me by my hip surprising me he chuckled as I blushed by optimus who kissed me on my neck cables. I turned around and kissed him on the lips.

we both went to the main room I saw akira and ratchet together I swore that I saw kissing "xion let leave them alone"optimus said as he pulled me into his arms. I suddenly felt aroused for no reason I never felt like this. All those time I spent with optimus was never like this. I sense some else also aroused. "what the fuck" I thought is optimus is arousesd too.


we somehow made our way to his room. He was touching me places he shouldn't but oh my god I was turned on. "ahhh "I moaned as he put his servo to my port

his touches were soft like the way he is. "Dark flare...mmmm"he moaned as I teased him for a bit. He then pushed me softly onto a wall where he had bit his lip his eyes were full of lust I felt the same thing. We started kissing his servos all over my body. Mine where touching his cheat plates. He soon took off mine and the wires that created my breast and nipples are sensitive.

he slowly grabbed one of them and the other in his mouth."ahhh oh Mmm yea.."I moaned once more I tried to be quiet but he looked up at me "no I want to hear your beautiful voice "he said as he had bit my nipple "ahhhhhhh" I moaned loudly "opm.optimuaa.. Why...ah oh god what am I feeling ahh like this "I tried to ask a question failing not to moan "I....we...have a ...surge mate...with our m.mate..."he explained .

he stopped talking and continued to pleasure me. My spark was beating rapidly as optimus rubbed my wet port "optimus...ahhh yes more "I said to him my mind went blank "mech get...ahhhg....possessive of...their mates.."he said he then put his head to where my port is

"ahhh no embarrassing"I said as tears suddenly bubbled up again. The surge was getting stronger "ahh oh yeah more "I said "what the fuck am I am saying I know it feels good but really ok then I like this "

he then stopped I looked down to see his spike throbbing. I blushed heavily as he softly kissed me he carried me bridal style on his berth."may I make you mine "he asked as I could hear the excitement in his voice. I nodded as he slowly pushed in it felt weird then suddenly a surge of pain surge through my body

"ahhhh "I hissed he looks at me worried from the pain"I'm sorry are you alright does it hurt "he said nervously in his strong voice "just a little but I can take it please optimus ...ahh I need you"I said as he slowly trusting inside me. "ahh Mmm"he said as he was slowly thrust in me. My spark was beating rapidly as the pleasure continued to built up.

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