Chapter 16

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xion pov

it was dark really dark.i can't remember what had happen to me. Where's optimus?so many questions run through my thoughts."xion "I heard a voice but I don't remember who it was I know it somebody close "xion please wake up"that voice again

"XION"yelled akira as I got up from the darkness only to see her worry face."what happened"I asked "you collapse during a storm girl and ..."I looked at her and her face tells me something must be very wrong. "what is it akira"I spoke to her

"they took optimus ..he lost..his memories"I looks at her in a very pale face. The decpticons took optimus and he LOST HIS MEMORIES"no"I said as tears were going down my face. As I got up I stretch my legs and walks away ignoring my sister calling my name.

my heart felt like I in pieces. I don't know what to do anymore without my sparkmate.i don't know if he can even feel what I feel right,but I knew it was blocked. I went outside in the desert alone will a thunderstorm got out.

I turned in my mustang form and quickly run off away from the base. Tears continued to go down my face as I made my way to the town of jasper. I was out for two hours and haven't return to the base yet. I somehow knew that optimus would come back.

later that night I was in his berthroom thinking what he was before. His original name was Orion pax and was a archivist in cybertron before the war. I also knew that Orion and megatronus have history together before the war had changed.

he became megatron the thought of him betraying Orion who later became optimus like that.the sadness soon wrapped in my heart. I cried falling asleep.

Orion pov

I have been saved by megatronus from The autobots that destroyed our home. I was busy to unlock archives of research. I do not know why but it for my master. I don't know why but I feel like somethings not right.

I have been told that starscream was a traitor and betrayed my dear friend megatronus but that wasn't the only thing he called me optimus prime. I didn't.understand why would he called a prime.

just who was optimus prime I had to know. I stayed on the room until I can rest. I went to my berthroom to rest only to feel sadness and hurt. I do not know that I had a sparkmate. Who is she and did I know her then.

the sadness continued until I heard crying I stayed quiet for if my master come then I would be in trouble."optimus please if you...sob can here me please remember"the femme said in sadness I wanted to respond but I know I would be in trouble If I did.

soon the sobbing stopped and.i sent her some reassurances that she would be alright. I felt her through the bond and it was abit of happiness and sadness mix together. I must return to my sparkmate to calm her.

I soon continued my work but today I decided I have to find out who I was before. I research the name of optimus prime. What had I find was shocking that I was the one named optimus prime.

I was so confused and continued and research about the autobots knowing they had nothing to do with destroying our planet. My hypnosis was correct. The decpticons were the ones who destroyed our home planet. This angers me that megatronus had lied to me.

later megatronus came in I felt like he knows what's going on. And probably my research from days before. It only a matter of..

"Orion we have been noticing your overwork research."he spoked "i needed to see why starscream called me a prime"i stopped i decided i wouldn't tell my sparkmate existence. "oh Orion we been recording every moment of your findings"i then saw megatronus pushed a button showing the research i have found i knew he was catching up with me but i didn't know that he WAS the one who started the war.

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