Chapter 7

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thrid pov

it been days since xion was founded still weak and is unable to turn back. Akira had to find some food for mooses which are hard to find in the winter.sometime she would eat some French fries and little by little she is gaining strength.

optimus would check on her and xion would be standing but ended up collapsing. "hold on little one"he said gently picking her up.she made a noise that a moose would. She would want get closer to him and rub her face into him for reassurance.she regrets running away in fear optimus would die.

the autobot were find energon deposit for them to use . Xion was tired as always but she never felt this tired even tired from yesterday and the say before. She knows something not right...she couldn't even stand up anymore and this worries ratchet so he calls for June to come and check on her..

later when June finally was done she was sad to tell them something was really wrong "xion is in grave condition she fell in a coma and her hearts is slowing down probably dying "she said then she heard Miko scream she looks to see her friend along with xion sister trying to hold.miko back

akira never felt this much pain she knows that her healing powers are not able to save her but to keep her alive for so long.

xion heart was slowing down to nearly dead optimus didn't stay instead he went to his berthroom where he never came back out. June did everything she can to save xion but as a moose she couldn't stay alive


what going on ...where am I I dead I can't be.

I'm lost somebody help me what wrong with me to lose myself like this ...optimus must be worried about me.why am I dying what did I do to deserve this.tears flowing down my face as I felt like I was human again

I walked no where it too dark...akira optimus I'm sorry why am I dying where will I go heaven hell I don't know.

"xion" a voice called for me i looked around and saw a beautiful lady that has blue and red bangs caressing her face and her hair was black and white like me and my sister her eyes were red and another blue . She looked like me and my sis.

"w..who are you"I asked she smiled as I realize later that she was my mother"my dear daughter"she said as she hugged me it weird.because were both naked but I returned the hug"xion you don't know me but I'm am your true mother"she said as I was shocked by seeing this

"I had died giving birth to you and akira and was cared for from your father ...he dies and were sent to a orphanage but were adopted to kind people. But turns abusive when they find out about shape shifting abilities and kicked you both out correct"she said I nodded I didn't realize i was crying and hugged her.

"you need to stay with the autobots dear I will talk to you and your sister later but for now you need to fight for me and everyone around who cares for you"she said as she started to fade I didn't want her to go I want to know more about her but I guess I have to keep fighting for my life.


why was this happing to her she dying in front of me. I looked up at ratchet we have this special connection. I looked at the monitor to see she was dead her heart can't keep going any longer I wanted to shock her awake but that would only make it worse.

I felt a finger poking me...i turned to see ratchet worried face on me...tears going down my face as he picked me up and was being held in his chest.

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