Chapter Thirty

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I know what your thinking.... finally Lily your updating! Well I had a good reason! Okay maybe not a good reason... but you know. Any way I hope you like it! I am pretty sure the book will be ending soon, not sure yet though so don't go crazy! :D Hope you enjoy!!:

Alyssa's P/O/V

I have to stop Alex, he cant do this. But I was running out of time. At the moment we are at Austin's concert in New York. From what I heard he is taking Taylor out to a special dinner tonight. Which is when Alex is going to carry out his plan, I think.

I sighed and tried to focus on my problem. "Ali you okay?" Taylor asked me, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. Alex gave me a glare and I nodded with a small smile. "Okay then." She said and watched Austin on stage.

I don't know why Alex is doing this. Both Taylor and Austin are so in love, I just don't know how he could even think about tearing them apart. I mean, Tay and Austin have been through so much (from what I heard.)

My eyes trailed to the watch that was on my left wrist, I looked at it and tapped my foot anxiously. Maybe I can talk Alex out of it.... but then again maybe not. So I need a back up plan. I held back a groan of frustration.

"You did great!" Taylor yelled, I looked up seeing Austin who had just finished his concert. "Thanks babe." He replied with a wide smile, he kissed her and I smiled a bit. I curiously turned to Alex who had gritted teeth.

Austin leaned forward whispering something in Taylor's ear with a smirk. Once he pulled away she smiled brightly at him and kissed his cheek. Michele was talking with the person that helped Austin get ready before a concert. You know, do his hair, makeup, etc.

Everything was kind of quiet back stage but you could still hear the loud screams of the fans. I stood up from the leather couch and tried to join the conversation, while of course; Alex sat there with jealousy in his eyes.

"So Tay what's up?" I asked and she let out a small giggle, I eyed her suspiciously. "Nothing. Austin is just taking me to a super fancy dinner." She said and my heart skipped a beat. I have to do something soon or else it will be to late.

"Ooh that's great!" I said trying not to look suspicious. "Yep! We got to get back to the hotel so I can get ready!" Taylor said happily. She grabbed her bag and Austin left, but not before hugging Taylor. "Lets go Alex!" She said playfully hitting his shoulder, he had a genuine smile. I am not going to lie, and when I say this your going to think that I am on his side. But when he is with Taylor he just looks happy. That doesn't make what he is doing right though.

Taylor's P/O/V

Alex smiled at me and we all walked out with Michele in front of us. Dave was doing something at the stadium so it was just the three of us and Michele. It took a while to get to the car, because of all the fans but we eventually were headed back to the hotel.

I tried holding back my excitement but I just couldn't! Austin said that he would meet me at a hotel and to just go with the flow. I wasn't sure what that meant but I just followed his instructions.

Alyssa looked nervous and in a way; anxious. But I am sure its nothing, she probably just isn't used to traveling or something. I shrugged it off and turned on the radio as we drove down the busy streets.

There was a comfortable silence but I could sense the tension between Ali and Alex. I wasn't sure why but there was some... maybe its because they like each other. Wouldn't that be cool!!

I am surprised they aren't together already. Its kind of odd... but we have only known each other for a couple of weeks. Although I love Ali to death.

Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF) *Completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant