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“Myself and the foster care department have gotten and anonymous tip saying that you and Austin were dating." Michele said, I looked to Austin and we both had our mouths hanging open. She sighed and Alex gave me an apologetic look. I was speechless and so was Austin. "Uh..." Austin said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. This is terrible... because now that they know I have to.... leave. "So...." Austin said again after a long pause. "Well kids... I really do hate to tell you this but Taylor has to uh- leave. According to Foster Care this is against the rules and Taylor has to switch foster homes." Michele said and I gritted my teeth to keep from crying. Austin and Alex came up and hugged me. "Taylor I am really sorry. Colton is going to be here tomorrow to pick you up." She said, I nodded while looking down. She patted my back and Austin grabbed her arm.

"Please mom you cant do this." He said and he was crying to. Alex was hugging me, Michele just shook her head at Austin and kissed his forehead. "Austin I am sorry." She whispered and walked away. Austin ran his fingers through his hair and started banging his fist on the table. I slowly walked over to him and held his hands. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, a tear escaped and he wiped it away with his thumb. "Please don't leave." He whispered resting his forehead on mine, I sniffled. "I... have to." I said and he kissed me. "I love you." I said, "I love you too." He replied and I did a small smile. "Well if its your last day what do you want to do?" Alex asked trying to lighten up the mood. He was sad too though, but he was trying to make me feel better so I appreciated it. "I don't know... we could just watch movies." I suggested putting on a fake smile; although inside I am literally dying. I have to leave the boy I love for who knows how long. And this is the best foster home I have ever been in. I have amazing friends and amazing memories. But I have to make the most of the times I have left with Austin and Alex.

“Sure, what do you want to watch?” He asked and I shrugged, he gave me an assuring smile and we walked into the living room. Alex picked a movie and we all sat on the couch. I sat between Austin and Alex.

“Sure, what do you want to watch?” He asked and I shrugged, he gave me an assuring smile and we walked into the living room. Alex picked a movie and we all sat on the couch. I sat between Austin and Alex; but I leaned on Austin's shoulder. Austin put his arm around my shoulder and Alex sat there awkwardly.

"I don't want to leave." I whispered to Austin, he pecked my cheek and I nuzzled into his side. "I am going to miss you so much." He replied and I smiled letting a tear escape. I focused on the movie.... not. All I could think about is what was going to happen. What if I never see him again, or Alex and everybody else. All of this is Sarah's fault. I swear that girl is mental.

After the movie Austin jumped up and Alex and I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked and Austin had a huge smile. "Come on I have a surprise for you!!" He yelled and I smiled a bit and me and Alex followed him upstairs.

"Okay well I was going to give this to you later... but um... since your, well you know. I thought I would just give it to you now!" He said with a huge smile, he pulled out a book from under his bed. It was more like a scrapbook. I smiled and held it in my hands as both of them huddled over me. On the front it had my name.

I looked on the first page, it had three pictures. One was of me and Austin, he was kissing my cheek, that was a week ago around the time when we first started dating. The second one was before me and Austin were dating and it was of him slinging me over his shoulder. The third was of Austin, Alex, and I all walking down the sidewalk. I suddenly wondered how all of these were taken but I pushed the though aside as I turned to the next page.

It was a bunch of pictures of me. Great ones too. I remembered when these were taken, it was the night Austin and I pulled and all nighter about a month ago. I was in the air because I was jumping on the bed. One was of me with a lollipop in my mouth and I was laying on the ground. Strange... but it was cute. It reminded me off all the photos I see on tumblr of these beautiful girls. One though, in particular caught my eye. It was of me, and it was a horrible picture:

Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now