Chapter Twenty Eight

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I could barely sleep last night, I was so excited I found my twin! Which is weird because if you do have a twin and were separated, there is one in a hundred percent chance that you run into them. I was awoken by Michele coming into our hotel room yelling for everyone to get up. I groaned and shook Ali, she did the same and fluttered her eyes open. "Morning." She whispered closing her eyes again, I laughed and stood up walking out of the bedroom.

"Okay guys! Austin has a meet and greet today for a couple of hours and then one more concert in California. Then tomorrow morning we are going to Nevada where your opening for Bridget Mendler." Michele stated as soon as I came out of my bedroom. I rubbed the back of my neck and saw Alex and Austin were already up and dressed. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"Morning Taylor. I think you have some explaining to do." Michele said once she saw I was up. "Well that's my friend from one of my foster homes in Florida. And I ran into her so we wanted to hang out." I lied convincingly, Michele nodded. "Why did you jump into the water?" She asked squinting her eyes. "Well Ali wanted to show me something." I replied, before Michele could say anything Alyssa came out of the bedroom rubbing her eyes.

"Taylor I need to go. It was really nice meeting you though, and getting to know my twin!" Alyssa said nudging my arm with a smile, I bit my lip and held in my breath turning towards Michele slowly. "TWIN?!?!" She yelled confused, Alyssa shut her mouth and gave me a sorry look.

"Well this is just really confusing." Alex said trying to lighten up the mood, we all glared at him and he held back a laugh. "Taylor why didn't you tell me she was your twin? And how do you even know?" Michele replied running a hand through her hair.

"We just know." Alyssa filled in with a shrug, I crossed my arms waiting for someone to say something. I was surprised by Michele's next action. She ran over to Alyssa and I and pulled us into a hug. I hugged back and gave Austin and Alex a questioning look. "If your her twin you cant just leave sweetie! You have to come along!!" Michele yelled, wow this just keeps on getting better! No sarcasm intended.

I smiled a bit and looked at Alyssa who was shocked. "Mom I don't think my manager will let us do that." Austin butted in with a sorry look. "Oh come on! I will talk to him." Michele said walking out of the room with her phone in her hand. "Well..." I said awkwardly. "I need to go get dressed for the day." I said after a long pause, every one nodded and Alyssa and I walked into our bedroom. "This is so exciting!!" Alyssa yelled jumping up and down on the bed, I laughed at her childishness. "I know! This is great!" I exclaimed smiling, I grabbed my outfit and headed to the bathroom while excusing myself.

I changed into this. It was casual and cute, and it took a while for me to do my hair. As always I only put on a bit of makeup. I took one last look in the mirror and went back to the living room. Alyssa was watching TV and Austin was in the kitchen. I saw Alex on the balcony. I think its cool how Alyssa is already comfortable around these people.

I walked over and sat beside her. "You look good." She stated nudging my arm, I smiled and thanked her until Michele came into the room. "Austin! Its time to go! Your meet and greet is in thirty minutes." Michele yelled to him, he mumbled a response and I got Alex. We all walked down to the lobby together, not really saying a word.

"Finally!" Dave said once he saw us, he high fived Austin and Alex and gave Alyssa a questioning look. "We will explain." Alex simply stated and we walked to the rental car. Michele and Dave sat up front. Austin and Alex crawled to the back and we all sat down. Michele starting driving and fans surrounded the car.

We finally got to the meet and greet and Michele took Alyssa and I to some little room with a desk and a small couch. We waited until his meet and greet was over and then he took a separate car to the concert.

Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now