Chapter Twenty Six

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Besides all the Alex drama everything is going pretty well. Last night they left really late, Austin remembers some things about them but not much. Paparazzi has been all around the house but with a bit of convincing did the trick. Michele asked that they respect our privacy during this time. Yesterday I went to get the mail and it was full of pink envelopes; all to Austin. His 'Mahomies' sure are nice, they have been sending gifts nonstop.

Austin's memory is slowly coming back, I showed him the scrap book and he remembers a bit. I am really nervous about going on tour though. I mean I have never traveled or anything and I am a bit scared that the mahomies wont like me. I am just really confused right now. But it least everything is going well at the moment!

It has been four days since Austin got out of the hospital so his full memory should be back any time now, according to the doctor. "Hey Taylor!" I looked up and saw Austin standing above me. I smiled a bit. "Sup Austin?" I asked standing up. "Nothing much, just bored really. Want to go do something?" Austin replied, I put down my phone and nodded.

"Lets play some basketball." He suggested, I rolled my eyes playfully and followed him outside. He grabbed the ball and started dribbling it, I quickly ran after him trying to block his shot. But I was way too short. He got it in the basket and passed it to me. I just ran with it, didn't dribble I just started running in circles.

"Taylor what are you doing?" Austin asked looking at me weirdly. I laughed and shrugged. "Duh! I am keeping the ball away from you!" I yelled back and he started laughing, I am sure I look really stupid right now. I turned around and saw Austin chasing me. I squealed and ran faster, but not fast enough. I turned around and Austin looked at me smiling. "Come any closer and I will throw this at you." I said calmly, he smirked and ruffled up his hair. "Like you would do that." Austin replied challengingly. He took a step closer and I threw the ball... at his face. I watched as he fell to the ground.  

I rushed over to him and shook him a bit keeping in a laugh. I slapped his face and he jerked up. "Taylor! Are you okay!?!?" He asked worriedly hugging me; I was suddenly confused. "I am fine... I should be asking you." I said with a  chuckle as he pulled back from the hug. "But you were just- and the car- it was coming towards you.. and then it hit-" He stuttered looking around, he had a worried expression . "Austin calm down..." I whispered holding his hand.

"What is going on?" He asked, I suddenly knew. When he got hit in the head his memory must have came back. Wow. That's weird. He opened his mouth but quickly shut it. I helped him up and drug him to the living room and sat him down.

"Taylor what happened, all I remember is the headlights coming right at me." Austin said while looking down. I explained how he got hit by the car and how he lost his memory.

He just sat there and listened closely. I saw a tear run down his cheek and then he got up and walked up to his room. I shut my eyes and leaned back on the couch. I seriously have to much going on right now. I don't think I can handle it. I am so confused...


I walked up to my room, tears threatening to spill. I am just so confused. Are Taylor and I together? I mean I got hit by a car for her, how much more does she need? Can't she see I love her, I almost died just so she could live!! I remember everything, I remember the song I sang for her. I also remember are little fight leading up to my being hit by a car.

What if none of this changed her mind? She probably still hates me. Nothing has changed. She is probably still mad at me, and she probably still hates me. But who could blame her? I wish I could just start all over with her. But maybe now is my chance....


I smiled a bit as I looked at the calendar. Tour starts in two days! "Taylor!" I hear Michele call, I walked to the back door where she was carrying in groceries. I scurried over and helped her get them to the kitchen. "Thanks sweetie! Oh..." She replied looking at the calendar. "Geez it came soon, well Tay I guess you should go pack, huh?" Michele asked nudging me in the shoulder, I smiled and she shooed me off to pack.

Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now