Chapter Twenty one

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To start things off, thank you. When I first started this book I didn't expect to get so many reads. In fact I though it would suck.. I know it seems like the chapters are getting worse but it gets better I promise. Any way thanks for reading and I would just like to point out that the next couple of chapters might be a third person's pov. So it wont be Austin's or Taylors... so yeah!


Third Person's Pov

After Taylor left Texas she went to a home in Florida. She suffered depression for a good while because of her tragic loss. The last two years have been tough on her. But she is grown up now. She has a different style and everything. She's not the same old tomboy really anymore, she dresses a lot nicer. Not that there was a problem with the way she dressed before. And a day never passed by when she didn't look through the scrap book .

But sometimes she fears that Austin and Alex have forgotten about her. But then she remembers Austin's promise and it calms her. After Taylor left Austin was a wreck. He didn't eat or sleep at all for the next week. He took Taylor's advice from way back when, and started singing. Each week he would put up a video and it would get lots of views. Many people thought he had an amazing voice, just like Taylor thought.

Alex missed her terribly too, heck everyone did. And she missed them just as much. After a while of posting videos Austin got signed. He became famous and was said to be the next Justin Bieber. And Taylor knew it would happen one day, she knew he had an amazing talent. She watched him on TV and saw him in magazines. Every night she would listen to his songs. There wasn't one moment that the two love birds weren't thinking of each other.

But sadly, Austin let fame get the best of him. (Just pretend, I know this would never happen) Being famous got to his head and soon all he cared about was the money and fame. Taylor watched as he progressed into a snobby celebrity. There was nothing she could do about it though. After a while Taylor just stopped keeping up with all the Austin Mahone business. But she never did stop thinking about him...


I took one last look in the mirror. Today is my eighteenth birthday and I finally get to go see Austin. I was so happy I was almost in tears. I have changed a lot in the last two years. My hair is much longer, a little bit past my shoulders. I started dressing a bit nicer and putting on makeup and stuff. I was going to have to do it someday anyway. I put my hair into a side braid that flowed down my left shoulder. I had on this: This!  I am not too girly but now I like to look a bit nice.

I wanted it to be a surprise for Austin and Alex. Plus Michele said that I was welcome. I grabbed my bags and headed out the door. I quickly got a cab to take me to Texas.

Two hours later I arrived to Austin's house. I took a deep breath and paid the man, then I slowly walked up to the door and smiled. I knocked and soon the door opened. (okay I know he lives in Miami but please just pretend!)

"Taylor?" Michele asked a bit surprised, I nodded and she smiled hugging me. "I am so glad your here. Please come in." She said and I stepped into the house. "You look so different." She said and I smiled a bit as she rubbed my back. "Where is Austin?" I asked trying not to be rude. She looked at me sympathetically and I was confused. She called his name and put a hand on my back. My heart stopped when I heard giggling. I focused on the stairs and Austin came down with his arm over a blonde girl's shoulder. He looked at me confused and I felt tears coming. "Who are you?" He asked and my heart stopped, Michele tried to grab my hand but before any one could say anything I ran out of the house. My mind stopped as I ran up to Alex's door. He's the only one I need to see right now.

I knocked furiously with tears blurring my vision. The door opened and I saw Alex. "Taylor!" He yelled hugging me, I hugged back but he soon pulled away. "Why are you crying?" He asked with a concerned expression. He pulled me inside and soon I was embraced in his arms.

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