Chapter Ten~ Secrets

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 Taylors POV

I watched TV while they swam because they thought it was funny to splash me. I had a really close call earlier today and I can't let that happen again. So I decided instead of taking risks I would just hang out and maybe go for a swim tonight.

I feel like my tail is getting weak so I should probably exercise it a bit every now and then. It was now ten o'clock and everybody was just coming in the house. Since they were wet as soon as they entered the house I went up to my room.

I waited for a while and they all came into my room.

"Just wanted to say goodnight!" Alex said, thankfully, they were fully dry. I hugged them all and they said they were going to bed.

"Night Austin." I yelled as he left. I think I might like him... who am I kidding I know I like him. I am not in love with him but there's no doubt I like him. After an hour I came out of my room and it was completely dark, I could hear all of them snoring as I descended the steps to the kitchen.

I made sure to be really quiet as I tiptoed to the door. I held my breath as I opened it, and it let out a small creak.

I shut the door and released my breath as I looked at the pool. The lights were on and they changed colors. I smiled and took a running dive in. I am pretty used to changing so now I cant even feel the slight tingling.

I swam to the top and caught my breath then went back under swimming in circles. I felt so safe and alive in the water... like I belong here.  My thoughts and worries were lost as I swam back and forth, intertwining the colors with my body.

I learned that I could jump out of the water pretty high. About ten feet. I love watching my hair flow everywhere under the water too. It just looks cool. I did flips and dives in the water until I was so tired I could move.

I pushed on the side of the pool and flipped my tail over the edge, then I was on the cement. I propped myself on my elbows and blew on my skin to dry it a little bit faster. I got the towel and rubbed it all over my body and soon I was dry. I yawned and stood up.

As I walked inside I saw a figure coming towards me. It was dark in the house so I couldn't see.  Whoever it was though grabbed my arm and led me back outside... and now I could see who it was. It was Austin.

"Dude you scared me!" I said nervously but he didn't smile. He had a glass of water in his hand which was making me nervous even more. He didn't smile but kept a straight face.


"What were you doing out here?" I asked her, she looked down and began to speak. "I was just getting some fresh air."  She said... she did it again. Lied. She didn't look me in the eye. "I heard splashing." I said and her hands fidgeted. "Well I put my feet in the water for a sec." She lied again.

I wasn't mad but kind of hurt. Why? It's like she doesn't trust me at all... she's just so secretive.

"Why do you keep on lying to me?" I asked her in a cracky voice. "W-What do you mean?" She replied still playing with her fingers.

"You have a tell.. I know when your lying. And you have been doing that a lot lately." I stated and her lip started to quiver.

"Why won't you tell me the truth!" I said a bit more stern than before. "Austin what do you expect me to do! I can't tell you every little thing about me! Some secrets are just better hidden..." She said and a tear streamed down her cheek.

"But you can trust me!" I said and she rapidly shook her head. "I can... but I cant tell you my secrets, Austin. I trust you! More than anyone; you are the one person that I have ever gotten close to and the one person I feel like has cared.  But you have to respect that I cant tell you everything." She whispered the last part.

Here goes... I took my glass of water and poured it on her arm. "Austin!... How could you!" She yelled crying. She ran from me and dove into the pool. I acted quickly dove after her. I opened my eyes and saw her... She was under the water, her hands on the wall and head leaned against it.

My breath hitched as I saw a long peachy tail. She turned to look at me and I looked at her with wide eyes.

She put her head down and swam to the bottom. I cant believe this.... it all makes sense now. But for some reason this doesn't effect how I feel about her. I finally understand why she is always so secretive.

But I am glad I found out.

She probably thinks I hate her now... I took a breath and swam to the bottom. I looked at her and she looked away. I grabbed her tiny hands in mine and brought her to the top. She was crying and hiccupping at the same time.

"Please... don't hate me. You think I am a freak now don't you." She said as we floated on the top of the water. I felt bad for her... how does she cope with this?

"Taylor. I don't think you are a freak... I do think this whole situation is weird but I will never think your a freak." I said and she smiled softly, making me smile.

"I am sorry I didn't tell you; I just couldn't." She whispered and I lifted her chin. "Its okay... I still think your the most perfect girl. You could be a werewolf and I would still think you have a beautiful smile, beautiful eyes, and a wonderful personality." I said and she looked into my eyes. And the thing is I didn't regret a thing I said. I meant it all and I wanted her to know she is amazing.

"Thank you Austin." She said and I leaned in, right before I lips were about to touch she pulled back. "I am sorry Austin... I cant." Taylor said quietly, I could literally feel my heart shatter. I was speechless, all I could do was regret.

I regret ever falling for her... I regret becoming friends with her too. Because if none of that ever happened I wouldn't be heart broke right now. My mind was lost and I felt so helpless. I just cant handle this right now.

"Why?" Those were the only words I could choke out. Do you ever get that feeling where your dying to know something... but scared to find out? That's how I feel right now.

"B-because.. I don't like you." She said and my stomach did a flip. I felt tears threatening to spill and I swam to the edge of the pool. I got out and ran. I heard her call my name, but I just ran as fast as I could. I needed to get away from everything.

I made it to the sidewalk. It was really dark but I didn't care. Tears stained my cheeks as I slowed down and began to walking.

I hate this empty feeling. When everything you could ever ask for is just taken away from you. When you don't know what to do with your life... when you just feel hopeless.

I cant believe it... the girl I love doesn't even like me. Every little thing I do for her, everything I do to impress her; means nothing to her. She doesn't care, here I am wishing she was in my arms while she's probably just fine.

Why do I have to suffer? Why did I have to meet Taylor... and fall in love with her. This would be so much easier if I never met her.

Her words kept on replaying in my mind. "Because I don't like you." I cried and cried until I had no tears left.

I walked back to the house and didn't hear anything from Taylor's room. I sighed and let one more tear stroll down my cheek as I walked to my room.

For the first time in a while... I cried myself to sleep.


I know he probably hates me now... but I had to say it. Just as we were about to kiss images of Jake popped into my mind. I couldn't get involved with Austin like I did with Jake. If I hadn't of gotten involved with Jake then none of that would've happened.

I wouldn't have been beaten every day, treated like a slave... none of that would have happened. And that's exactly why I cant get involved with Austin.

I lied in my bed... unable to move. I didn't even cry. I just lied there with my eyes open and not moving. My breathing was heavy and I couldn't close my eyes.

I felt empty...

Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now