Chapter Eight~ (idk wat to call it)

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Yesterday when I read the journal, I couldn't stop thinking about it. All that he said made me feel, special. I have never had this feeling before. And now every time I see him I get butterflies.

Any ways, at the moment I am going to school. Austin and Alex left before me, which is good. Because today I need to ditch. There is now way I am transforming into a mermaid in front of a bunch of people. I mean... that's kind of obvious.

I walked into home room and waited while everybody talked. As soon as home room was out I pretended to go to Math. As everyone filled into the room I slipped away into the crowd. I got closer and closer to the back exit and soon the hallways were empty. I looked up at the camera and waved. Just for fun, then I opened the door and ran around back.

My backpack slung around everywhere as I ran through the field to get to the sidewalk. My mind was blank and the only feeling I had was the wind rushing through my hair as I sprinted across the field. Soon I got to the gate and crawled through the opening.

I looked back at the school and then began walking. I wasn't sure where I was going to go... until I saw a sign. "Public pool. Opens in two weeks." So its obviously not open yet... maybe now is my chance to test this tail out.

I walked two blocks until I got to a little opening. It was silent and the parking lot was empty, and it had the same sign. I smiled and walked to the door, I am guessing that's where you sign in or something. I grabbed a rock and picked the lock. I slipped through the door and looked around. There were showers and lockers, I turned the corner and there was a glass door that led to the pool. I dropped my bag and jogged over to it. I pushed and soon I was in the pool area.

I took a beep breath and made sure no body was looking. I was a bit nervous because this will be my first time swimming with my tail.

"Here goes." I whispered and took a dive in. I kept my eyes open and watched the miracle of my tail growing. I smiled and held my breath. As soon as I went under I felt the tail weighing me down. It was much heavier than I expected.

I struggled to get to the top and breath. I tried again and went under, using all of my muscle to pull myself back up. I swam to the edge to rest a bit and then decided to try and swim across.

I did a glide through the water with my arms out front, I pushed my tail back and forth and I was amazed by how fast I got to the other side.

I wondered and explored the possibilities. I bet I can hold my breath a pretty long time, eh?

I swam to the bottom and rested on the cement floor. I looked up and examined the sun rays shining down on me through the water. It felt like five minutes before I had to release air. Then I quickly resurfaced to take a breath.

Swimming has always been something I loved to do. So I took this time to swim around and just enjoy myself. Every time I swam across the pool I could tell I was getting faster.

After two hours I decided I was done. With a huge smile I pushed myself to lay next to the pool. I rested and closed my eyes. For about ten minutes I just sat there listening to the water slosh back and forth on the edge.

Then I got my legs back. I sat looking out at the water until I heard police sirens. "Oh gosh." I said and scurried up, I could now see the police cars speeding down the road. I assume they thought I came here to steal money or something. I rushed in and grabbed my back pack.

They police parked and were running after me. The adrenaline sped through my veins as I searched for an escape route. My eyes flickered to the gate, if I gained enough speed I could easily jump it. No time to think though cause they are already coming through the building.

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