Chapter Fifteen

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I watched as she grabbed the crowbar and began beating the side of the house over and over. I was going to go help her but Alex stopped me while telling me that she needed to let the anger out. I don't think he actually mean what he said, he really did regret it afterwards though. She was mumbling things as she hit the wall. She was strong and I had to shield myself because pieces went flying everywhere.

She took one last swing and paused putting her head in her hands. She collapsed to the ground and I ran to her side. I pulled her into my arms and stroked her hair, crying myself because I hate to see her like this. She looked so helpless...

"Taylor, don't cry." I whispered and she whimpered. I pressed my head into the crook of her neck as we sat there. After a long pause I said, "I would never hurt you Taylor." I said truthfully. "After everything I have been through... I cant believe that." She whispered and I sighed. "I want you to know I never agreed to switch your foster home... I... I love you too much to do that." I said and her breathing became harder.

I meant every word I said... and I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. We sat there for a couple more seconds until she was completely still. "Taylor?" I asked shaking her a bit. She didn't move and her eyes were closed. She must have passed out, her hands were bleeding and she had a little cut on her chin.

"Alex I think she passed out." I said and he came over to me. "Dude don't blame this on yourself. I know you didn't mean it." I said and he nodded putting his head down. I know he thinks this is his fault because of what he said, but it wasn't. We would have to pay for the damage though. I told Alex to open the door and I scooped her up in my arms carrying her bridal styles into the house.

As we were walking in we saw Rob, Tyler, and Zach come out with their bags. "What are you doing?" Alex asked in a confused tone, Tyler sighed and then rob spoke up. "I don't know what is going on but we are having no fun. All anybody is doing is fighting and being miserable. So we are leaving." He said and before anybody could respond they all left out the door. I groaned and carried Taylor to the couch. I put her down and put a pillow under her head. I don't know how I am supposed to clean up her cuts... because if she gets wet. Well you know what happens. Alex went to go get a couple of band aids while I watched her.

When he came back he wiped the blood off with a paper towel and then put on the band aids, we had to wrap her fist in bandages though because they were so damaged. "Oh yeah I almost forgot." Alex said and pulled Taylor's phone out of his pocket. "She dropped it when she was running." He stated and I nodded. Her phone buzzed and I hesitated to pick it up. It was just a facebook notification. I got curious when I saw there was only one person she was texting. I opened up the messages and looked through them with a look of horror on my face.

"Dude whats wrong?" Alex asked and I handed him the phone. "That's why she always gets nervous when she gets texts." He said as he read through the messages. He put the phone down. "Who is it that's texting her?" I asked and he shrugged, after a second of just being shocked he gasped. "Hold on." He said and looked through the messages again. "I think its Jake." He stated and I gave him a confused look. "The same guy I was telling you about." He said and I suddenly got angry that he hurt taylor so much. I balled my fists and so did Alex. Taylor still lied there motionless. I sighed and told Alex I needed to go to my room for a second. Just to get my phone. I grabbed it and sat on my bed for a second. Every time things seem to be coming back together, they fall apart again. I pushed the bad thoughts to the back of my head and walked back downstairs and I heard Alex let out a girly shriek. I jogged down the stairs and saw Alex staring. I turned where he was looking and saw Taylor in her mermaid form. I saw a wet towel on her head and ran over to her taking it off of her head. I looked over to Alex and he was still shocked. I groaned and walked over to him waving my hand in front of his face. He looked at me and let out a breath.

"Do you see what I see?" He asked still shocked, I smirked and nodded. "Taylor.... is a m-mermaid." He said and I smiled. "Yes, yes she is." I replied and after a long pause he screamed out. "This is awesome!" I laughed and he jumped up and down. After he calmed we dried her and she went back to human form. I explained how I first figured out she was a mermaid and he was really shocked. But he got over it and just let the fact sink in. I then continued with what I was doing. I tried to figure out this Jake guy's number but it was a private number. I told Alex what I was doing and we took Taylor's phone upstairs to see if we could track his number.


I woke up to somebody touching my face. I opened my eyes and jumped at the sight. Jake smirked at me and covered my mouth. "I like that piece of artwork on the wall." He whispered and I tried to get his hand off of my mouth.

He chuckled quietly at my attempt and yanked me off the couch. I felt a sharp pain in my head. I looked at Jake and saw hatred in his eyes, who knows what he is going to do to me. "What do you want?" I asked quietly. "I want you." He whispered caressing my cheek, this is just like the first night when he came to me while I was outside. "Don't you miss all the times we had?" He asked with a smirk, I shook my head looking down and crying. I don't even know what's going on, like where am I? Jake grabbed my jaw harshly and made me look at him. "Your coming with me." He said and my heart skipped a beat. I shook my head and he looked at me with fury.

"You don't have a choice." He said through gritted teeth. I bit his hand and screamed for somebody to help. He slapped me and I held my face. "Stupid brat!" He yelled kicking me in the stomach. I heard footsteps as he kicked me again. I groaned and wished that the pain would go away. I heard yelling and my mind was blank. I quickly came back to my senses and held my stomach in pain. I crawled to the corner and hugged my knees to my chest.

I turned my attention and saw Austin, Alex, and Jake. Jake was a lot bigger than them but it was two against one. I cried as I watched Jake hit Austin and he fell backwards. I whimpered and turned away every time Austin or Alex got hit.

Alex through a punch at Jake and it hit his left cheek. Jake tumbled to the ground and Austin kicked him in the stomach. Jake looked unconscious as they continued to beat him. I was worried they were going to kill him, I may hate him but that doesn't mean I want him to die.

I want him to get what he truly deserves. Austin brought his fist back and anger flashed in his eyes. I acted quickly and rushed over to Jake covering his body with mine. Austin looked confused. "Taylor move." He said through gritted teeth but I refused. He grabbed my arms and pushed me off to the side. I have never seen this side of Austin. "Please don't Austin." I said with tears coming out of my eyes.

He held his fist in the air again and slowly brought it back down to his side. Alex was laying on the floor panting. "I am sorry but if you killed him you would be in a lot of trouble. Just call the police okay?" I said as he tried to calm down. Both of them had black eyes and Alex had a busted lip. I was still in pain and bruises were already forming.

Austin wiped his bloody nose on his shirt sleeve and reached for the phone to call the police. He explained everything and the police were on there way.

We all just sat around the room. I was terrified and Austin noticed, he came to my side. I leaned on his shoulder as he stroked my hair. "Thank you." I whispered. "For what?" He asked and I sighed letting another tear escape. "If it weren't for you I would be dead right now. He was going to take me." I said and he hugged me tighter. "I would never let anything harm you." He said and I nodded.

We just sat there while Alex sat across from us awkwardly. "Come here." I said and Alex smiled coming towards me. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. "Hey no kiss for me?" Austin asked and I shook my head with a smirk, he playfully rolled his eyes and soon we heard the police sirens. They came in and we told them what all happened. They arrested Jake and the nurses cleaned us all up.

In the end we were all okay. We all decided to go to bed because we had a long day. This time I wasn't scared going to sleep... Jake is out of my life forever. Finally.

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