Chapter Six~ Birthday Surprise

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My alarm clock went off at six thirty. I groggily got up and took a bath.

The warm water rinsed my body and it felt really good considering that I didn't get a good nights sleep. My eyes slowly opened where I could actually see and I finished washing my body. Then I ran water over my head and washed my hair.

After I got out I put on black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt... I think I need to go shopping again because this is the same thing I have been wearing almost everyday.

My brown hair was tangled up so I combed it out and dried it. As usual I skipped the makeup and went downstairs to see Michele with breakfast on the table, no shocker there.

"Morning Taylor, somebody called for you a minute ago. I forget what his name was but heres the number he left." She said, I looked over the paper and saw that it was Colton's number. In case you don't remember that is somebody who works at the foster care center.

"Hello?" His voice once I called.

"Hey Colton its Taylor." I replied and I could hear him smiling. We always were good friends, hes been really supportive the last few years.

"Hey Taylor! I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! I know it's tomorrow but I will be in meetings." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks Colton! I almost forgot about it." I said and I heard footsteps come into the kitchen.

"Welcome.... I got to go. Boss needs me! Bye!" He said and hung up.

"What was that about?" Michele asked. "Oh... tomorrows my birthday." I replied with a small smile.

"What! Why didn't you tell us! We have to do something, right mom?" Austin said and she smiled. "Yeah sure, we can have a small get together." She replied and left the kitchen.

"Tomorrow I'll invite the guys over and we can just hang out if you want. Or we can go somewhere..." Austin suggested, I smiled and nodded.

"Well we better get to school I guess." He said and we went to go get in his car. Once we arrived at school we went into math which was as boring as always.

I wrote down notes for the test and then left to go to my other classes. Soon after it was time for lunch so I walked to the cafeteria. All the guys were sitting at the usual table.

"Hey Taylor! I heard tomorrows your birthday..." Tyler said as I sat down next to Austin. "Uh... yep." I replied with a small smile. I took a bite of my lunch and then Alex joined us.

"What up guys." He said and everybody muttered hellos. "Tomorrow is Taylors birthday so were just all gonna hang out at the house; that okay?" Austin said and everybody nodded. Gosh, I forgot what it was like to have real friends. And to make it all better it was my sweet sixteen! I have never really cared about my birthday but this is one year closer to figuring out about my parents. Colton isnt allowed to tell me until I am eighteen.


"Taylor everyone is here!" Austin yelled from the kitchen. I was just wearing regular clothes, nothing fancy. I think all we are doing is watching movies or something.

"Hey Taylor happy sixteenth birthday!" Alex yelled and hugged me tightly, I giggled and hugged everybody else. They brought presents, even though I asked them not to.

"Thanks guys, so what are we going to do?" I asked. "Well uh... we can watch a movie and order pizza I guess." Austin suggested, we all agreed and walked into the living room. Alex ordered pizza while Austin put in a movie.

"Which movie are we watching?" I asked as he sat beside me, he smirked. "House at the End of the Street." He replied and I groaned, I seriously hate scary movies. I know most girls do but I really hate them, I cant get the images out of my mind.

"Pizza will be here soon. Want anything to drink?" Alex asked and everybody told him what to bring. "I'll help." I said and walked to the kitchen with him. I grabbed two cokes and took them to Rob and Tyler while Alex was getting a glass of water. I started to walk back into the kitchen when Alex ran into me. The icy cold water spilt all over me.

"Taylor I am so sorry!" He said with a chuckle. "Its fine." I said going into the bathroom to dry off. As soon as I closed the door I collapsed onto the floor. My body felt different...

"Oh my god." I whispered looking down. I had a huge TAIL! Oh god what the hell is happening! This is some kind of joke...

"They will all come in laughing any second now." I said trying not to panic. I waited but nothing happened. "I am a- mermaid?" I said in shock. this is not happening... got to be a dream!

I slowly took my fingers and ran it over my tail, it was an pale orange... almost peachy color. I had a scaly bra, I guess that's what you would call it. My body was wet and I didn't know what to do at all. Will I ever have my legs back.

"Taylor you okay?" I heard one of the guys yell. I could feel tears coming out of my eyes, I know I seem dramatic but you would understand if it was you.

"I am fine!" I yelled back and I layed my head on the floor. I started to put the pieces together... I just turned sixteen and when the water touched me in exactly one minute I changed into a... mermaid. Okay then, so I assume when water touches me I turn into a mermaid.

I felt a slight tingle and found my tail was turning back into legs. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in my clothes and they were dry. huh.

My mind was lost. Why do I need more drama in my life? With a blank expression I walked back to the living room.

"Tay you okay?" Austin asked, I nodded and sat down. Still in shock I watched the movie, my mind raced with thoughts. Why me? How did I even become THIS?

"you seem a bit... tense." Tyler pointed out. I looked around the room and they were all watching me. "Oh uh.. its just the movie... really scary." I said and they shrugged. The rest of the night we just talked and stuff. Well they talked, I just sat there listening.

This whole thing is going to be tough. I cant really wash my hands, or shower. I cant touch anything with water, and I cant swim in front of people. Maybe I need to test this whole thing out... *devious smile*

"I need go guys. My mom needs me home." Alex said. "Yeah me too." The others said, I looked at the clock and it was around eleven.

"Bye Taylor." They all said and hugged me one last time. Then they left the house and me and Austin sat in the living room.

"You acted really strange tonight." He said with a concerned face. This brought up a new question, should I tell somebody? "Hell no" My mind said and I did a small smile.

"Nope, just asking but when is summer break?" I asked. "Actually lets see... I think in two weeks. Cause you came four weeks before school was out and you have been here for almost two; so yeah." He finished and there was a long pause.

"Cool." I said and he nodded. "Austin; thank you so much. You have no idea how much it means to me that you cared enough to celebrate." I said and hugged him.  He squeezed tightly and then released me. "No problem." He said with a charming smile. "I should probably get some sleep." I said and went up to my room.

I had dreams about water and the ocean. One was where I met this woman. She had long black hair and she was a mermaid to, her name was Jess. Her tail was similar to mine in a way. She showed me where there was a ship wreck and taught me how to swim properly. And for some reason I felt a connection with her.

I remember another thing she said very clearly. "Some dreams come true... only time will tell." And once that was said she swam away, getting smaller and smaller each second. I didn't know what to do but then I woke up. It was still during the night so I slowly went back to sleep, still having strange dreams throughout the night.

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