Chapter Two~ Possible Crush

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I slept pretty good last night, which hasn't happened in a while. I woke up because noise was coming from the kitchen. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and then I went downstairs.

"Oh good morning Taylor. Did you sleep well?" Michele asked the moment I stepped into the kitchen. I nodded and sat down at the table. I got a glass of water and waited for the bacon to be ready.

"Whats for breakfast?" A grumpy voice asked, I looked over to see Austin rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Bacon." His mom said and Austin sleepily smiled. "Hey Taylor." He said with a smile. I did a small wave and went back to looking at the table.

Soon the bacon was done and Alex had joined us downstairs. "So when are we going shopping?" Alex asked. "Any time, Taylor do you know your size?" Michele asked. I have never actually been shopping for clothes before. I just got hand me downs from the family's kids. I shook my head 'no' and sighed.

"Oh that might be a problem. You are fairly small so I am sure you guys can figure it out, right?" She asked, we all nodded and smiled. "Alright well we'll  go get dressed and then we can leave, okay Taylor?" Austin said, I nodded and they both went Austin's room. I was kind of nervous about being alone with them but for once my foster mom seems nice.

"Are you okay going with them? I mean if you would feel more comfortable with me going I will." She said... I thought about it but shook my head no. Something is just telling me that this time I might can trust these people.

"Taylor were ready. Mom?" Austin asked holding out his hand. Michele rolled her eyes and placed a credit card in his hands. "Thanks!" Austin and Alex said. I think Alex can drive so yeah.

"Le go!" Alex said as we walked outside. We got in his car, I sat in the back and they turned on the music. "Have you ever been shopping?" Alex asked looking back at me. I shook my head and he nodded. "Where do you want to go?" Austin asked. I shrugged and they didn't say anything. This is extremely awkward.

"Well just go to Sports Academy then... I guess?" Alex said, Austin agreed and we drove to wherever and whatever that is. (Don't know if they have one there but just pretend)

Soon we arrived and we all got out of the car. Alex and Austin talked while I followed them into the huge store with lots of boys in there. This must be like... a sports store. "Of course it is stupid, its called Sports Academy!" I thought to myself. "What kind of clothes do you like?" Austin asked. "Um... the kind that you wear?" I said in a duh tone. "This will be harder than I thought." Austin said with a sigh.

"Okay lets see... do you want some shorts?" Alex said, I just shrugged and we walked to the nike shorts. "Do you see any you like?" I pointed to some pink shorts that looked okay. They nodded and got out a size. I think it was a medium. "Go try these on we will wait here." Austin said, I nodded and went to the changing rooms. I took off my jeans and tried on the shorts. They fit perfectly and looked good. I looked a lot different, I have never worn pink, or anything really girly.

"Like 'em" Austin asked as I walked out, I nodded and we picked out two more pairs of shorts. "Okay now we need shirts." Alex said. I ended up with six pairs of shorts, three pairs of jeans, and t-shirts. They also got me some shoes, which were converse. They were dark blue. I got a bunch of other stuff and when we left the store we had a bunch of bags.

"Thanks." I said really quietly. Which was all I said. They looked at me surprised that I talked, they smiled and I did too. And not a fake smile either, and actual smile. "No problem Taylor!" They said and we drove off. I didn't talk the rest of the way home though. I was just now taking notice to Austin and Alex. Both of them were really cute and handsome. Austins eyes were a beautiful green color and Alex's were dark brown.

We got back to the house and I went to put my clothes in my room. I came back down and Austin and Alex were watching TV. I sat on the chair and watched Tv with them. "Hey some of my friends are coming over tonight to hang out. They wanted to meet you." Austin said. I nodded without looking at him.

After a while I heard loud yelling. I looked over to Austin and Alex who were already on their feet greeting three guys. "Guys this is Taylor, Taylor this is Robert, Zach, and Tyler." Austin said with a big smile. I nodded and looked back at the TV.


"Taylor do you want to come hang out with us?" I asked, she suddenly tensed up but shook her head no. "Okay... we will be in my room if you need anything. My mom isn't here. you can do whatever you want I guess." I stated and the boys and I walked to my room. "So... is Taylor nice?" Robert asked. "Yeah but she doesn't talk a lot, only a few words. She's really shy." I said and they nodded.

"Do you like her?" Tyler asked. "What no! I don't like her!!" I said defensively. "Austin... I didn't mean it like that." He said and everybody laughed. I just sat there. "She seems nice. Have you taken her anywhere?" Tyler asked. "Uh.. we took her shopping to get some clothes. The only ones she had was like... a hoodie and jeans." I replied laying down on the bed. Everybody but Alex was listening to me talk about her. "Cool... do you know anything about her?" Said Zach joining in on the conversation.

"Nope... just that she has been to a lot of foster homes. I don't think she even knows who her parents are." There was a long pause and we just looked around the room. I wonder what happened to Taylors parents. She has that scar above her eye but that could be from anything. The scar isn't ugly though... her beautiful brown eyes distract you from it.

"Taylor is really pretty...." I thought to myself.

"What did you just say?" Alex asked with a chuckle. "Huh? I didn't say anything." I said blushing... I have got to stop saying my thoughts out loud. "Yeah you did. You said, and I quote "Taylor is really pretty!" Alex said in dreamy tone. I hid my face in the pillow while the guys laughed.

"Whatever lets just go play basketball." I said and we all went outside. Taylor was still sitting on the chair watching TV. 

We played basketball for a while and then went back inside.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked Taylor assuming the guys were staying. Taylor looked at me and shrugged. "Okay we'll order pizza." I said and everybody agreed.  we ordered pepperoni and while we waited we just all played on our phones. Except for Taylor who doesn't have one.

"Taylor could you get the door?" I asked her when the doorbell rang. She nodded and I handed her the money. I didn't pay much attention until I heard giggling. I turned to see a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes talking to her. She was actually talking to him too and had a smile on her face. The boy was very tall, much taller than Taylor.

I couldn't hear what they were saying. But soon I heard the door shut and Taylor came back in with a smile on her face. I suddenly got a bit jealous. "really Austin, you've know her for two days and you already have a crush on her?" I said to myself and this time I am sure I didn't say it out loud.

"Why do you look so happy?" Alex asked smirking. Again Taylor shrugged and grabbed a piece of pizza. We dropped the subject but I was still a bit jealous...

At around nine Taylor went to bed and we just talked about guy stuff for a while. Well some of the time, the majority of it was them making fun of me about Taylor.

"Dude everybody knows you were jealous." Zach said and the guys agreed. "I think its time that you guys get home!" I said getting up, they smirked and walked to the door. "Use protection!" Alex yelled before they went out the door, I blushed and pushed him playfully.

"Whatever!" I yelled and closed the door. I was really tired so I told my mom goodnight then went to bed.

Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF) *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora