Chapter One~ Welcome "Home"

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 Taylors POV

"hello Taylor nice to see you again." Colton said, he was a thirty year old man who helped kids find foster homes. I got kicked out of my last one.... but that's okay. I just hope this time the same thing doesn't happen. I purposely got kicked out of the last one... I will explain that later. At the moment we were in his office. "So... that's going on your record dear I am sorry." He said with a sympathetic smile, I shrugged.

"Any way.... your new home is about an hour from here, in Austin, Texas." He said... this is how the routine goes, he tells me where it is and a bit about the family. Then I get sent away again.

"Michele Mahone is your foster moms name, and she has a son named Austin. Oh... Taylor you know the rules right?" He asked, I nodded and pushed my brown hair behind my ear. "Just checking.... she'll be here an about thirty minutes so go ahead and eat." He said.

Then he left the room. I rested my head on the pillow that was on the long leather couch. Why me? I hate my life....

Colton walked in and motioned for me to follow him. I groaned and followed him out to the main office. I saw a blonde haired lady sitting on the couch. She was reading a magazine... she looked to be about forty or so.

"Miss Mahone." Colton said, she looked up and gave a soft smile. "Oh hello, is this the one I am fostering." She asked, he nodded and she looked at me. I looked down at the ground and avoided eye contact.

"But I need to talk to you about some things." Colton said... I know what he's gonna say, but its part of his job so I don't mind. "Okay?" She said with a questioning look, he took us back to his office and we sat on the couch.

"I just want to let you know a bit about Taylor. She is not mute but she rarely talks." He said, I looked down again playing with my fingers. This was always the awkward part of the routine.

"Oh..." Was all she said. "And she is a bit violent, that is why she was kicked out of the last home." He said, I still just sat there. She wont want me now that's for sure... but I need a family. There is no way I am going to an orphanage!

"um- I cant bring someone violent into my home I am sorry." She said and was about to get up and leave.

"Please." I said really quietly, I could fell the tears threatening to spill. That was the first word I have said in a long time. She slowly turned around. I looked her in the eyes, with tears in mine. My lip quivered as I prayed for her to say something.

"I guess..." She said and I lightly smiled. But I didn't say anything. "Okay then! Just sign this and you can go!" Colton said with a smile. She signed it and I walked with her to the car.

"I hope you like your new home. Austin is great to I think you'll love him!" She said, I nodded and looked out the window as she went on about my new home. I just continued nodding.

"You will be starting school next week." She said. "Do you have any other clothes?" I shook my head as she inspected what I was wearing. I had on a black hoodie with a  white shirt under it and a pair of jeans that were ripped above the knees. "Okay hun..."

I played with my chipped nails and sang a song in my head. "Taylor were here." She said with a smile. I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful home. It had a long driveway with a basketball hoop. And there were two teenage boys playing basketball. My heart started racing and I felt like a frail little girl who couldn't do anything to protect herself!


"I wonder when they'll be here." I said as we dribbled the ball back and forth. "Are you excited?" Alex asked me, I shrugged but smiled.

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