Chapter Seventeen

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Once we got back to Texas I was worn out. Apparently Sarah and Alex are now dating, it least he has moved on. She seems really nice but Austin sometimes acts weird around her. I am so glad Austin and I are dating, everything is going just perfect. Which is bad.... because in movies everything is great and then something bad happens. I shrugged it off and sat on the couch next to Austin. "Remember we cant let your  mom find out." I said as he pulled me into his arms. He kissed my forehead and I giggled. "Do you want to go to the movies tonight with Alex and Sarah? Like a double date?" He asked and I nodded with a smile. "Sarah seems nice." I said and he just nodded. We watched TV and heard the front door shut, I quickly ran over to the other couch and tried to look natural.

"Hey kids I am so glad your home! Oh I have missed y'all so much!" Michele said giving each of us a kiss on the forehead, she left and I let out a breath. Austin shrugged and looked down at his phone. "Oh its almost time to go, are you ready?" He asked and I nodded. I grabbed my phone and Austin and I headed out to the car. We got in and the whole ride there we just told cheesy jokes. He's so cute... I think I love him. He sang as we drove, I never knew he could sing. My jaw dropped as I listened to him singing. "Austin you are an amazing singer!" I yelled making him jump, he blushed and messed with his hair. "I'm not that good." He stated humbly, I playfully rolled my eyes. "Whatever Austin, you could be the next Justin Bieber." I said and he laughed, I rubbed his cheek and he looked at me smiling. We arrived to the theatre and got out. Sarah and Alex were at the front waiting.

"Hey guys!" Alex said hugging me, I waved to Sarah and she rolled her eyes. I tensed but shrugged it off, Austin didn't really look at her. Something seems strange, but oh well. I am sure its nothing because I tend to over exaggerate on things like that. We walked in and Austin got us tickets and popcorn. Austin and I walked in hand and hand. We were about to go in when Sarah stopped, we all looked at her and she took in a breath. "Uh, Alex told me that you guys were foster siblings.... and isn't it illegal or something to date you foster sibling?" She asked and Austin and I looked at each other, Alex gave me a sympathetic smile. "Well... its not illegal, its just not allowed. Please don't tell though." I said and she fake smiled with a nod. There was something strange about her.

"Taylor?" I snapped out of my thought and saw Austin standing in front of me. "Are you okay?" He asked and I faked a smile. He gave me a small smile too and lead me into the theatre. We sat down with Alex and Sarah next to us. "Hey babe, Alex and I are going to the bathroom. Will you be okay?" Austin asked and I grabbed onto his arm, I began to talk but stopped myself. "Yeah I'll be fine." I assured him and he kissed my cheek then walked off. I looked straight without looking at Sarah. The lights were on and nobody was in there yet cause we were a bit early. "He's to good for you." Sarah said and I was caught off guard. I looked over at her once I processed the words she said. She smirked at me and I gritted my teeth. "I don't know what your problem is... but I do know that I don't like you." I stated coldly, she chuckled and looked at her nails. "Have you ever heard of revenge?" She asked and I was confused. She now had a straight face and she didn't look at me. I was very lost and was about to say something when Austin came in.

I smiled as he sat down next to me and took my hand in his. I thought about what she said during the whole movie, and whenever I looked over at her she would smirk. Not only was I thinking about the revenge thing, but is Austin really too good for me? She's probably right... Heck she is right. I felt my eyes sting but I refused to cry in front on them. I don't want to look weak. Plus I have been crying way o much lately. And I wasn't going to let Sarah think that she has gotten to me. I stayed quiet during the movie and just sat there resting my head on my hand. What is her problem? I already hate her... I bet she's just using Alex. It's best to keep my mouth shut though.

Soon the movie was over and we were all walking out. Sarah kept on giving me this creepy look but nobody seemed to notice. Alex hugged me goodbye and Austin and then Austin and I went back to the car. The ride back was silent. "Do you like Sarah?" He asked when we were half way home, I looked at him and shook my head. "There's something strange about her." I stated and then looked out the window again. Once we arrived home I went up to my room and Austin went to his after he kissed me. I took a bath since I haven't had one in a while. After I was done I lied down in bed letting Sarah's words replay in my head. I sighed and was about to fall asleep when I heard my door open and close. I knew it was Austin when I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I smiled as he cuddled up to me. I fell asleep soon in peace. But I still couldnt get her words out of my mind.
I woke up and Austin wasn’t there. I went downstairs and saw him eating breakfast at the table. I smiled and walked over to him kissing his cheek. I grabbed some breakfast and sat beside him. “Alex is coming over to hang out today.” Austin said and I did a little happy dance, he laughed and we continued eating. I put my dish in the sink and then I heard the front door close and Alex’s voice booming through the house. I ran to the door, “ALEX!” I yelled and hugged him. “And Sarah...” I said awkwardly as he released me, he gave me and apologetic look and we walked to the livving room where Austin was. “Yo dude.” Alex said and they bro hugged. Sarah kept on glaring at me, not that it bothered me. I shrugged it off and she sat down with a sweet smile on her face. “Where is the bathroom?” She asked during a long pause, I looked over to Austin and he pointed down the hall. She looked at me and gave me a look, I rolled my eyes and Alex saw, he looked at me with an angry face then looked away.
She came back out and sat down next to Alex as him and Austin talked. “Uh Taylor can I talk to you for a second?” Sarah asked, I looked at Austin and he just shrugged. I nodded and followed her outside.  I was nervous but I could have her on the ground begging for mercy within two seconds. I sighed and tried not to look intimidated. I crossed my arms and sunk into my left hip.
“What do you want?” I asked bluntly, she smirked and put herself in the same position as me. I rolled my eyes as her high pitched voice rang through my ears. “Just wanted to say that I hate you. “ She said and just scoffed. “And that Austin is way too good for you. He doesn’t even-“ She started and interrupted her by connecting my hand with her face. I gritted my teeth and most people would think I would be crying because I know what she was about to say. But I was mostly angry at the fact that she had the nerve to say that. She ‘cried’ in pain and held her face yelling Alex’s name. I panicked but had no time to think as Austin and Alex came outside, he saw her holding her face and supposedly crying... angry flashed in his eyes as he looked at me. “Why did you hit her?” He asked and she gave me an evil look telling me not to tell him. But she cant control me. “Alex I didn’t-“I started and she interrupted me “Alex she just hit me!” She yelled and he hugged her. Austin stood there in shock.  “I hate you Taylor.” He said and those words stung my heart. I have heard that too many times in my life. I let a tear escape my eye and I walked back into the house, slamming the door furiously. How could he say that?!
I went up to my room and slammed the door and lied on the bed. Why does she hate me so much? I bet she’s just using Alex. I heard her crying as all of them walked in the house, I sighed and then I felt a draft come. I looked at the door and saw Austin and he had disappointment in his eyes. “Why did you do that?” He asked and I shook my head not looking at him. “Just leave me alone.” I said and I heard a sigh from him, he then stepped out of my room. I cant believe this is happening...


Okay again I know this kind of sucked... but tell me what you guys think. The book will probably be ending soon and I might make a sequel. Hope you liked it and the next chapter some more important stuff will happen. I just wanted to update cause I haven’t in a while and I wanted to show you what Sarah was like. So... what do you think is going to happen???? Huh, huh huh??? J Thanks for reading lovies!!

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