Chapter Five~ The date!

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Taylors POV

I walked right up to my room. This will be my first date in a while... just the though of it made me smile. I made my way to the closet and picked out and outfit. Gosh I have nothing to wear! The only things I have are shorts and jeans.

But then again I don't want to look too girly. I picked out some capris and a white shirt. Over the white shirt I put on a jean jacket. I have no shoes though.

I scurried down the stairs and went to the living room. Michele was there just like I had hoped, along with Austin who was texting. "Michele, I need some shoes... nice ones." I said nervously, she looked at me and smiled. "Why?" She asked and Austin turned his attention to us. "I have a date tonight." I said with a small smile. She squealed and hugged me.

"Okay follow me!" She said, I didn't even pay attention to Austin as I followed Michele to her bedroom. "What color?" She asked, I looked at all of her shoes. I don't need fancy shoes just, nice shoes. There was a pair of black flats that looked about my size. I pointed to them and she handed them to me, thanking her I ran up back to my room to change. I still have an hour until I have to go so I decided to go ahead and do my homework.


"What was that all about?" I asked a bit annoyed. "Oh Taylor has a date tonight!" My mom said with a huge smile, I rolled my eyes. "Yeah so cool." I said grumpily, she looked at me confused.

"Did you have a bad day Austin?" She asked, I grumbled in response. "Forget it." I replied and texted Alex.

After about thirty minutes of us just sitting there the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I said and walked to the door quickly.

"Oh hey Austin... you live here?" Cole asked right as I opened the door. I nodded, "Yeah Taylor is my foster sister." I replied with a blank expression. "I didn't know that! Cool... so where is she?" He asked, I heard footsteps come up behind me and Taylor slipped outside the door. "Hey Cole!" She said with a smile, he smiled at her and looked over to me. "Uh... we will be back by ten." He said and they walked to his car. That guy is bad news... I just hate him. For some reason I just hate him. "Idiot you hate him cause he likes Taylor." That annoying voice said to me, I huffed and shut the door. Taylor looked really pretty though... he's a lucky guy.

Out of frustration I ran my hands through my hair and sat on the couch.


Okay... this guy is so weird. We have nothing in common and he is extremely cocky. We ended up going to a movie... the whole time though he was texting. He obviously doesn't really care much... I cant believe I agreed to go on a date with him. People aren't always what they seem I guess.

"Uh- Cole can you take me home?" I asked half way through the movie. "Come on." He said and grabbed my arm, he dragged me out of the theatre. "Is it boring or something?" He asked, I nodded and he groaned. "Fine lets go I guess." He replied and we walked out to his car.

"Listen I don't really think we should go on more dates... I just don't like you but we can still be friends." I said as we hopped into the car. "Do you know how many girls would die to go out with me!" He said pressing the brakes harshly.

"I wish I didn't even ask you out!" He yelled and opened my car door. "Just walk home." He said. "and I thought you were nice." I mumbled and he drove away quickly. I had a phone but it was almost dead so I decided to call Austin.


"Hey Austin it's Taylor. Can you pick me up... I think I am about a minute away from the theatre." I said, he sighed. "Yeah sure.." He said and hung up, I sat on the curb and waited.

"The one guy I thought liked me...." I said quietly. Sometimes I wonder how I got into this mess, if my parents didn't want me why did they have me. Maybe there dead I just don't know. Part of me is dying to know  about them, but the other part is scared to find out. Does that make any sense? 

"Taylor!" I turned to see Austin's car pulling up to me, I sighed and walked over to the passenger side.

"What happened?" He asked annoyed. "Just didn't want to stay any longer..." I replied and he dropped the subject. 

We got home and Austin didn't say one word to me... so I just walked upstairs and decided to get some sleep...


Short chapter I know but I am trying to think of new ideas! Please vote if you are reading this! 

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