Chapter Seven~ The journal

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Hey guys! I just wanted to know what you think about the plot twist. I know it seems weird but I think its unique. Also if you don't mind vote and give me some feedback please! I am trying to update everyday, by the way, Taylor is her own character. She is not based off of me, just thought I would let y'all know. Maia Mitchell is how I imagine Taylor so if you don't know who she is look her up! Thanks for reading btw, I hope you enjoy... (I think this is my best chapter...)


The next morning I got up to take a bath. This should be fun... note the sarcasm. Any way I ran the water trying not to get wet before I stepped in. I made sure to lock the door so nobody to get in while I was a... I'm sorry I cant even say it without having a panic attack. This new life will be kind of strange. I will have to learn how to do things differently now. I cant wash my hands... ew. But I have to be extremely careful... nobody can find out. Who knows what would happen if they did!

"Here goes." I said and quickly lied in the tub. I felt tingles and soon I saw my huge peachy tail hanging over the side of the tub. I sighed and replayed the dream I had as I washed my hair and body. How am I supposed to dry off. "I got this." I said with a chuckle as the water drained. In a swift, painful movement, I flopped onto my stomach onto the rug.

"I had this." I whispered laughing at my stupidity. I took a towel and ran it over my tail and body, also drying my hair. After about five minutes I was completely dry. I closed my eyes as the same familiar sensation of tingling came over my body. With a deep sigh I stood up and combed out my hair.

I put on a black shirt and ripped jeans with my converse. Within two minutes I was dressed so I ran down the stairs to see a muffin on a plate. I grabbed it and headed out the door since Austin was running late. I walked to school and saw a bunch of girls pass me. They were laughing and giving each other evil glares. Weirdos.

I arrived to school and went to my first class.

"Hello class today we are studying mythical creatures. It will help you learn Roman and Greek History. So take out your note books and take notes on the video we are watching." The young teacher said with a smile, I pulled out my paper and watched as the video started. I zoned out for a lot of the time until I heard the word mermaid.

"Some sailors have said to have seen mermaids. But we all know that's not true, because mermaids were just creatures many people told stories about to entertain. There has been no trace of mermaids throughout the years so it is a fact that they are not real." The narrator said, I held back a chuckle and zoned out again.

After two more classes it was time for P.E. yay! I grabbed my stuff and walked to gym class.

As soon as I entered the room the smell of sweat went into my nose. People from the class before were walking to the locker rooms and I joined everybody else to listen to Coach Hastings talk.

"Okay class! Today we will be preparing for tomorrow. I am sure you are all wondering what tomorrow is... Well class tomorrow is relay day. This class will be doing swimming relays. All students must participate, unless they want an F." He said and my hear skipped a beat.

This is like Karma, except I didn't do anything wrong. Then it hit... this is all because I took Austin's chocolate isn't it! Probably not but why tomorrow! I have to figure out a way to get out of this.

"Uh Coach may I speak with you a moment." I said. He rolled his eyes and walked over to me. "What is it?" He asked rudely and I cleared my throat. "I cant swim tomorrow." I said waiting for his reaction, he sighed. "And why not?" He asked accusingly, I tried my best to come up with a believable excuse.

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