Chapter 39

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With a groan, you slowly opened your eyes.
Your vision was blinded by the bright lights, making you squint your eyes.

"Oh, good. You're awake." A smooth voice said.

You sat right up in your spot, only to have a throbbing pain in your stomach.

"Ah, no, sweetheart. You can't do that. Lay back down."

You felt a hand gently lay you back down on your back.
As your vision got used to the lights, you looked around.
You were in Jack's bed, covered by the soft blankets.
You looked at the one who just spoke mere seconds ago.
You could only see his back, since he was messing around with some tools on the counter.
He seemed to have raven black hair, and a white shirt.

"W-Who...?" You managed to speak.

The male turned around to you, letting you take in all his features.
Blood red eyes and a surgical mask which had a sharp, toothy grin on it.

"Ah, yes. Sorry for not introducing myself."

He pulled his mask down to his neck, revealing a nice smile, that was a bit sinister.

"Name's Doctor Smiley. Just call me Smiley, if you'd like."

Doctor Smiley, huh?
That explains the grin on the mask.

"What...What happened?"

"Long story short, from what I've heard, you have been stabbed by some guy in the stomach. That's all I know." Smiley shrugged.

"So, how are you feeling?" He asked, approaching the bed.

"I have a bit of a headache." You muttered.

Smiley placed his bare hand on top of your head.

"Well, at least no fever. So, that's good. The headache will be gone soon, you just need to rest."

You nodded, pulling the covers up to your chin.
You glanced over to the clock.
5 AM.
Smiley closed the cabinet in where he was placing the tools, and went to the door.

"I'll let you rest. I'll see you in a few hours."

You nodded as Smiley walked out the room, closing the door behind him.



"Calm the fuck down, BEN."

BEN stuck his tongue out at EJ.
Jack noticed Sonic, Jeff and Dr Smiley sitting on the couch.

"One, where's (Y/n)? Two, what the fuck is he doing here?" Jack sneered at Smiley.

Smiley's eyes travelled over to Jack.

"Jackson, good to see you." Smiley grinned underneath his mask.

"I swear I'll shove your dick up your-"

"Language, Jack!" Dark scolded, crossing his arms.

Jack grunted, rolling his eyes.

"Where's (Y/n)?"

"You mean the cat lady? Let her rest. She needs it." Smiley said.

"Toby, welcome back." Sonic said, lazily replying with a wave.

"Wow, I c-can already s-s-see how everyone m-missed me." Toby said sarcastically.

"Well, I'm going to sleep. I'm tired as fuck." Masky commented, walking up stairs.

"W-Wait for m-me!"

Toby and Hoodie followed Masky to their room.

"So, did anything happen while we were gone?" BEN asked the three males on the couch.

"(Y/n) got stabbed." Sonic said.

Jack and BEN almost choked.

"WHAT." BEN screeched.

"Relax. She's fine." Jeff grunted.

"How in the fuck did that even happen?!" Dark yelled.

"Lower your voice, idiot. She's sleeping." Smiley glared and Dark.

"Intruder came in, stabbed her while we were sleeping, blah, blah, blah." Sonic said.

"How were you guys not there to protect her?!" Jack spat.

"We only heard her scream afterwards, okay? There was nothing we could do before it happened." Sonic huffed.

"Where is she now?" Jack asked.

"In your room." Smiley replied.

Jack dashed up stairs, up to his room.
Dark and BEN decided it would be better to stay downstairs, and not disturb you like Jack would.
Jack slowly opened the door and entered quietly.
He saw you on his bed, looking up at the ceiling, wide awake.

"Hey," He whispered.


Jack closed the door behind him, walking over to you.

"I heard what happened. How are you feeling?" He asked, kneeling down next to the bed.

"Fine. Where's BEN? Is he okay?"

He couldn't lie, but he did feel a pang of jealousy because of you asking about BEN, instead about himself.

"He's fine."

"I'm glad." You smiled.

Silence built in, making you look everywhere except at Jack.

"So, did you guys find the Proxies?" You asked.

"Yeah, they're in their room now."

"That's good."

Silence built in again.

"So, er, I'm going to leave so you can rest, okay?" Jack said, standing up.

"Okay. Could you get BEN? If it's not too much trouble." You softly asked.

Jack stopped at the door and murmured a few things under his breath, before saying ,


Jack walked downstairs, seeing BEN and Dark next to the other guys on the couch.

"BEN? (Y/n) needs you." Jack grunted.

BEN glanced over at Dark before shrugging and standing up.
As BEN went upstairs, Jack grunted once more before sitting in BEN's spot.

"(Y/n) sure is getting friendly with BEN, huh?" Sonic let out a short laugh.

"No shit." Jack hissed.

"Woah, someone's on their period." Jeff muttered, keeping his eyes on the tv.

"Somebody's jealous." Dark said.

"Go suck a dick."


BEN walked in the room, closing the door behind him.

"Hey. How you feeling?" BEN asked, walking over to the bed and kneeling down next to it.

"I'm good. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" You asked, eyeing him.

"Relax. Too many questions. I'm fine. Nothing happened, we didn't even reach the laboratory." BEN let out a soft chuckle.

You smiled.

"I'm glad. You...Probably heard what happened here when you were gone, right...?" You asked.

"Yeah. All this shit happening to you." BEN muttered.

You shrugged.

"I'm used to it."

"So, why'd you call me here?" BEN asked.

You moved your fluffy tail over to BEN, grabbing his hand with it.

"I was...lonely. I just needed some company."

BEN grinned.

"Well, you called the right guy. How about we watch a few movies, then?"

Helplessly falling in love (Creepypasta x Neko!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now