Chapter 12

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You sneezed,drying yourself off in a towel.

You heard Jeff behind you softly snickering.

"I-It's not funny! You know I don't like water!"

A small laugh escaped Jeff's scarred lips as he shrugged.

Well,Jeff had 'Accidentally' pushed you into a lake.

And now,you were soaking wet.

"Oh,I'm sorry.Did I hurt the poor Kitten?" Jeff snickered.

You flopped your ears down and growled.

"God,Lay off of her,Jeff." LJ huffed.

Jeff turned his gaze over to the monochrome clown,giving him a cold glare.

"Shut it,Stripes." Jeff spat.

LJ scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Out of nowhere,Link stepped forward and hugged you tightly.

"You guys got my baby wet!" Dark bawls out.

LJ tilts an eyebrow.

"'Baby'?" LJ asks.

Dark Link nods and pecks you on the cheek.

"It's my girl~" Dark purrs.

Once again,that bastard made you blush 50 shades of grey red.

Jeff growled,and in one swift movement,Jeff had Dark pinned against the wall with his knife on D.L's neck.

You squeaked when Dark was suddenly pulled away from you.

Jeff growled,pressing the knife deeper on Dark's neck,like he did to you.

"Stop fucking around,Darkness.She is NOT your girl." Jeff hissed.

You quickly ran over to Jeff,pulling him back from his hoodie sleeve.


But oh no,he didn't stop there.

He really wanted to see Dark's blood flow out.

"You want to do the same to him like you did to me?!" You blurted out.

Jeff froze in his place and slowly removed the knife from DL's neck.

He growled,putting the knife back in his pocket.

Without another word,Jeff just simply stomped away,out of the room.

DL looked confused while rubbing his neck.

"Damn,what's up with him?" DL asks.

"I have no idea."


You sigh and plop onto the couch.

BEN,who was also sitting on the couch,traveled his gaze over to you.

"So,how was your first training?" BEN asked.


"Yeah,the first time is pretty much horrible.But you'll get used-"

"No,I mean,it was seriously horrible.Jeff pushed me in the water in purpose.And he know I hate water." You shivered.

"You hate water?"

"I'm a fucking cat.What do you expect?"

"Well,you're not the only one that's afraid of water." BEN murmurs.

You tilt an eyebrow,curious and confused.


BEN sigh and points to himself.

Helplessly falling in love (Creepypasta x Neko!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora