Chapter 38

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"So, you like to steal things, huh?"

The male trembled, shaking his head.
Jeff let out a raspy laugh, gripping the handle of his knife tighter.

"How about I steal one of your kidneys? My pal Jack would be happy about it. Ain't that right, Smile?"

Jeff glanced over at his smiling husky next to him, who gave a bark.

"P-P-Please, l-let me go! I-I promise I w-won't come back or tell a-anyone!" The male pleaded.

"I doubt it." Sonic, who was next to the male, glared down at him and crossed his arms.

"You know, buddy? We might just let you free." Jeff chuckled.

"We will?" Sonic looked at Jeff.

"Of course. If he can survive the night with us." Jeff laughed.


BRVR laid you down on Jack's surgery table, noticing that you were unconscious.

"Shit." He muttered.

He could hear screams coming from the male intruder downstairs, making him flinch.
BRVR pressed his hands against your wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

"You need any help?" A voice sounded from the door.

BRVR turned to the door, seeing Laughing Jack standing there.

"Get Jack!" BRVR exclaimed.

"He's not here. I think he went after the Proxies, along with BEN and Dark."

"Shit, shit, shit! What are we going to do?!"

BRVR started panicking.
His ears suddenly shot up, as he got an idea.

"Get the phone. We need to make a call."


"Heh, this shitbag didn't even last 10 minutes." Jeff grinned, staring down at the beaten male.

"That's a disappointment. I thought we could have a bit more fun with him." Sonic said, kicking the male one last time.

Jeff sighed and picked up the body.

"Well, we need to get rid of this. You coming?"


Sonic went up to the door and opened it, only to let someone dash in, making Sonic and Jeff almost fall.

"Hey! The fuck?!" Jeff exclaimed.

"I'm in a hurry over here!" The voice hissed, rushing up stairs.

Jeff shook his head and turned to Sonic.

"Whatever. Let's just go."


"Thanks for coming!" BRVR said, giving the male a small smile.

"Yeah, sure. What's the problem?" The male said, getting his latex gloves on.

"She's been stabbed."

Laughing Jack still stood by the door, in slight worry.

"Let me see," The male said.

BRVR removed his hands from your wound.
The male lifted your shirt over your stomach, eyeing the wound.

"It's pretty deep." He muttered.

BRVR looked at your unconscious state in worry.

"But, what is she?" The male asked.

"No time for that. Just... Can you help her?" BRVR asked.

"Of course. It will take awhile. Now, shoo. Out you two." The male shoo'ed BRVR and LJ away.

He locked the door, keeping LJ and BRVR outside.
BRVR sighed.

"I knew I should've just brought her into my room. She'd be safe that way." BRVR grunted, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Things happen." LJ shrugged.


"Can't you just walk like a normal person?" Dark grunted.

BEN stuck his tongue out and floated on his back next to Dark.

"Nah, too tired. You're just jealous that I can float and you can't~"

Dark rolled his eyes and continued walking alongside BEN.

"Wait, stop." Jack said, stopping in his tracks.

BEN and Dark bumped onto his back, glaring at Jack.

"Why did we stop?" Dark huffed.

"Look," Jack replied.

BEN and Dark quickly looked straight up, seeing an orange and yellow hoodie in the distance.

"Is that-?"

"What are you guys doing out here? Is it midnight already?" Masky asked.

"It's almost 3 AM! Where in the fuck-?!" Dark got cut off.

"We got Toby." Hoodie replied, stepping to the side, revealing the twitching male behind him.

"H-Hey." Toby waved.

Jack kept quiet and glared at Toby.
For some reason, he felt that something was off about Toby.

"Did they do something to you?" BEN asked, eyeing Toby.

Toby shook his head.

"Surprisingly, when we, almost, got there, we saw Toby just roaming around right outside the gates!" Masky exclaimed.

"That...That can't be. They don't just randomly let any subject outside!" Jack hissed.

Toby shrugged with a small smile, the corners of his mouth guard going up.

"I g-guess I was j-j-just lu-lucky."

Jack huffed.
He was not buying it.
But he decided to ignore it.
​​​​​​​For now.

Helplessly falling in love (Creepypasta x Neko!Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن