Chapter 10

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  You lunged onto Jack,ready to scratch him to death.
Too bad he already had more experience in fighting than you.
He dodged your move,making you crash onto the wall.

"We both know you can't fight,Kitten." Jack snickered at your nickname he gave you.

"Watch me." You hissed.

You slide under his legs and quickly kick his back,making him fall down.
You pin him onto the ground with a smirk plastered on your face.

"Who's the...Hngh...Weak one now,Jackson?" You softly laughed.

He huffed and struggled under your grip.

"We both know who wins this."

"Oh,I'm sure you know."

You chuckled proudly.

"I win."

Jack somehow kicked you off and grabbed his scalpel.
Before you could stand up,he pinned you down.
With him being a male,he had more strength.
He smirked under his mask and slowly dug his scalpel into your tail.
You screamed out in pain as the crimson liquid poured out of your wound.


Dark Link tackled him onto the ground while BEN helped you up.

"My-My tail..." You whimpered,holding your tail gently.

You watched the blood pour out,slowly running to your hands.

"I'm not done with you,cat!" Jack hissed.

You ignored Jack's threats as BEN led you upstairs having your tail bandaged.
He locked the bathroom door,hearing raging screams.

"Here,let me help you."

He grabbed some bandage and gently held your tail.
Gently,he wrapped the bandage around your wound making you wince.

"I know,it's just making pressure.Don't worry."

His soothing words made you slightly relaxed.
You gave him a nod as he cut the last piece of bandage off.
He looked at your tail,proud of his work.
You smiled,looking at your tail that was slightly wagging.
You jumped up and gently embraced BEN into a hug.

"Thank you~" You softly purred.

BEN smiled and wrapped his own arms around you.


A crash was heard downstairs making you both jump apart.

"We'll better go see what's going on..."

Everybody jumped at Slender's sudden voice,snapping their heads towards him.
Slender grabbed Dark Link and EJ up with his tentacles,hanging the two males upside down.
Dark Link crossed his arms as his shirt covered his face,And his massive muscles/abs n shit were showing.

"What happened here?"

EJ scoffed and glared at Darkness.

"Well,I was trying to protect our base,until that asshole attacked me!"

"You wanted to fucking kill her! What the fuck was I supposed to do? Stand by and not do anything?!" Dark spat.

"You should've let me kill that brat.She doesn't deserve to live." Jack hissed.

"You fucking-"

"Jack,did you try to attack (y/n)?"

Jack sighed with a small nod.



"Oh shut up."

Slender slowly put the two males back on their feet on the ground.
You peeked down from upstairs as BEN gently took your hand and led you downstairs.
As you walked down,you earned cold hard glares from Jack,making you slightly shiver.

"Why do we even need her?"

"*Fake cough* Jeff's idea.*Another cough*"

(Don't ask where Hoodie and Masky came from. I dunno. ._.)

Jack turned his glare to the pale killer who just shrugged.
Jack huffed and walked past you,giving you a harsh bump with his shoulder,making you stumble back.
BEN quickly held you up as you glared back at Jack with a 'I'm-Going-To-Kill-You' expression.
You got back on your feet and looked at Slender who was just standing there.

"If you ever get in any trouble like this,just call out for one of us."

You sighed in relief with a small nod,knowing you weren't the one getting the blame for this.
Yet,you still felt bad.
You looked down at your hands and twirled your fingers together,nervously.

"I-I,uhm...I'm sorry for waking you all up." You softly mumble.

Slender lets out a small chuckle and gently pets your head.

"It's quite alright,my dear.Let us all go to sleep now.I shall make sure Jack stays in his room."

You smiled and gave him a nod.
While Slender walked upstairs,he stopped mid-tracks.

"Are you sure you don't want to share a room with somebody?"

The killer's heads snapped towards you.
BEN gave you a small smile,making your tail slightly wag for some reason.

"I-I'll go with BEN,if that's okay."

"Benjamin,is that alright with you?"

"s'fine with me." BEN purred.

"Very well.(Y/n),Benjamin shall lead you to his room." Slender said,walking back to his own sleeping place.

You nodded happily as BEN took your hand once again,leading you to his bedroom.
As he opened the door,you were stunned by all the stuff he had.
You examined every little detail of his amazing looking . (Pretend the bedroom is kinda bigger. o.e)

"Woah,this is all yours?" You ask.

"You're damn right it is."

"This is so awesome!" You squealed,your tail wagging furiously back and forth.

BEN softly chuckled at your enthusiasm as you kept on looking at everything.

"Anyways,we should both get to bed.It's late."

You pouted and let your ears flop down,the same with your tail.

"Aw,can't we play just one game?"

BEN clicked his tongue nervously while rubbing his neck.

"I don't know...Tomorrow is something important happening...And we need sleep."


You gave him your best puppy dog eyes with a small whimper.
He sighed and plopped down on the couch.

"Just one game.Slender is going to kill me if he finds out." BEN softly mumbles the last part.

You cheer in victory and sit next to him,ready to play.  

Helplessly falling in love (Creepypasta x Neko!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now