Chapter 13

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"JEFFERY!" Slender's booming voice yelled out.

"Ah,fuck..." Jeff murmured.

Jeff turned around meeting an angry Slender.

"How's the weather up there?"

Slender huffed in annoyance and glared down at Jeff.

"What's this I hear about having sexual intercourse with (Y/n)?"

"Sexual? Who the fuck snitched?!" Jeff snarled.

"The person would like to remain anonymous."

Jeff growled and clenched his fists tightly in anger.

"Oh she'll pay.She will wish she was never born." Jeff hissed.

"What have I told you about having sexual intercourses with mortals."

Jeff sighed in annoyance and rolled his eyes.

"Not to get in love with them,blahblahblah." Jeff huffed.

"Indeed I did.If I EVER find you doing the same,you'll be left in 'THAT' place." Slender threatened.

"Oh,suck my balls.I'm out."


"W-What do you think he's doing?" You asked Hoodie.

Hoodie flipped the page of his book and turned his head to you.

"Probably telling Slender." He said,returning his gaze to the book.

You sighed and hugged your knees,your tail wrapping around you.

The door softly creaked open,revealing Masky.

he entered the room without a word,and sat on his own bed,a few inches away from you.

"So...How was it?"


"The kiss with Jeff."

You felt the blood rush up to your cheeks as you hid your face in embarrassment.

"I-I don't know...uh...n-normal?" You squeaked out.

"Do you like him?" He softly asks.


Your ears perked up when you heard Masky stand up.

You tilted your head up,noticing him going over to his small cabinet while reaching his hand to his mask.





Was he gonna take his mask off?

His hand slowly tilted his mask off and placing it on the top of the cabinet.

He turned around and you quickly examined his face.

Besides his attitude,he was really dam handsome.

His messy auburn hair,icy blue eyes.

"Are you liking what you're seeing?" Masky softly laughed.

You snapped out of your thoughts as Masky softly laughed.

"I-um,No-I mean,yes!-I-I mean...Damnit!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah.People pretty much get hypnotized by Masky's 'handsome' face." Hoodie huffed.

"How come you never show your face?" You ask.

"I prefer having myself hidden.With this mask,I'm somebody else."

Helplessly falling in love (Creepypasta x Neko!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now