Chapter 17

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"Did I stutter?"

You softly growled and pushed him off with ease.

You huffed,wanting to walk to the door until he harshly grabbed your tail,pulling back,making you fall down.

A small yelp escaped your mouth.

"BEN,what the fuck?!" You hissed.

"Where are you going?" He asked sternly.

"Away from this mansion!" You hissed.

"I don't think so." He snarled,pulling you closer.

He grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them above your head while holding your legs down with his.

You struggled,trying to get out of his grip.

You did have allot of strength,but not so much as BEN.

"Ngh...L-Let me go!" You snarled.

"No! Why won't you understand?! Why have I fallen for a pathetic mortal like you,damnit!?"

You froze,processing his words.

Oh god,not him too.

"That's all I am to you,huh?"


"A pathetic mortal.Is that how you think of me,BEN?"

He opened his mouth to say something until you interrupted.

"Let me go."

He softly growled and leaned down to you.

Or better said; closer to your lips.

"You still don't understand,huh?...I'll make you understand."

A sly smirk appeared onto his lips as you looked confused.

Soon,he gently pressed his lips onto yours.

It wasn't like Jeff's.

This one was sweet and gentle.

Yet,no 'love' was felt.

You then kicked him off with a slight huff.

"I should've left this mansion a long time ago."

And with that,you left.


It was almost midnight,you were sure almost everybody has gone killing.

You jumped off the couch and headed to the door.

You didn't have so much clothes on.

So it would probably be pretty cold.

You sighed and shook your head,going outside.

It was dark,the only thing visible was the moon.

But not to you.

Since you were half cat,you had a sort of night vision.

Which made you see in the dark,of course.

Not only that was special,but you could also disable it.

And that's on which state you had it.

You shivered,continuing walking.


You rubbed your arms,trying to protect yourself from the cold.

Loud thunder noises were heard in the distance making you jump.

After that,you felt a small drop of water fall onto your nose.

You flinch,taking a step back.

"Well,isn't that fan-fucking-tastic...?"

Soon enough,those small droplets become more and more.

You grumbled a few curses to yourself before starting to run to the distance.


Maybe you could visit your old home.

You continued running until you slipped on a small puddle of water.

You waited for the impact to come,instead nothing happened.

You felt yourself being safely wrapped in somebody's arms.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing out here in the cold?"

You tilted your head up only to meet the famous 'killer Pikachu',BRVR.

His Pikachu ears twitched in worry as he gently tilted you back on onto your feet.

You noticed a small bit of blood on his yellow hoodie being washed away by the rain.


He notices your body shaking from the cold.


He removes his hoodie,handing it to you.

You thank him,quickly putting it on.

He only had a black shirt underneath it.

"A-Aren't you cold?"

He shakes his head with a smile.

"I'm used to it." He simply replies.

You smile back and look at the sky.

The rain just wouldn't stop.

"I'm guessing you're not liking the mansion that much..."

You tilt your head back down,looking at BRVR.

Did he just read your mind?

"I understand.I didn't like it the first time either." He chuckled.


"S-So,uh,where are you planning to go?" He asks.

"My...home..." You murmur.

"May I walk you there?"

You grin and nod.

"You may."


You shake your tail,getting rid of all the water in it.

You twist the doorknob,opening your door.

You enter it as BRVR follows behind.

Soon enough,you lock the door with a sigh.

You look around,everything being surprisingly clean.

As you looked around,you stumbled across a picture with you and...


Your sister.

It was just happy times in the past.

No worries,only happiness...

But now...

Before you knew it,you found yourself softly sobbing.

BRVR turned to look at you,being confused.

He didn't know why you were crying.

Until he noticed where you were staring at.

He knew how you felt.

He knew exactly how you felt.

You froze the moment you felt something wrap around you.

Alright,not something but someone.

BRVR held you tightly close,as if you were a teddy bear he didn't want to lose.

"I'm sorry..." He softly mumbled.

"I know how you feel..."

You wipe your tears away and look at his electric orbs.


"My owner has left me alone for so long...I was lonely,cold...I just wanted to die."

You wipe away your tears and smile.

"It's alright now...We both had bad times."

Helplessly falling in love (Creepypasta x Neko!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora