Chapter 37

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'Just a few more episodes, and that's it.'

It was already 2 AM, and you should've already been sleeping.
But no, you were too much busy watching your favorite show.
After the 10th episode, you already started feeling tired.
Your eyes were struggling to keep open, but eventually gave up.
As the tv kept softly playing, you drifted off to sleep, wrapping your soft tail around yourself.


"Okay, so where to now? Agh, I don't remember the goddamn place!"

"Relax, idiot. Just a few more miles." Jack grunted.

"That's "Boss", to you!"

"Don't push it."

Dark Link cowered a bit under Jack's glare and huffed.
BEN was simply walking along side them, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
He hasn't said a word the whole trip.
Dark glanced over at the blonde elf, lifting an eyebrow.

"Why are you so quiet? Got something on your mind, or what?" Dark asked.

BEN snapped out of his trance, turning his red eyes to Dark's.

"Huh, what? Oh! Er, no, n-nothing."

"Did you just stutter?" Dark snorted.

"Shut up!" BEN punched Dark's arm.

Dark flinched, grabbing his arm with a huff.

"Douche. Are you thinking about--"

BEN gave Dark another punch on the arm, as he darted his eyes quickly to Jack and back to Dark.
Dark became confused, but took the hint.
Since Jack was walking up ahead, Dark just spoke a bit softer,

"About (Y/n)?"

"Is it that obvious?" BEN grunted.

They both didn't realize that they had stopped to talk, as Jack just kept on going.

"Mhm. I bet everyone is going insane over her." Dark let out a short laugh.

BEN groaned, burying his face into his hands.

"I don't know, she just seems like a really cool chick!" BEN muffled through his hands.

"No shit. You oughta' watch out, though. There are many attractive guys in the mansion." Dark wiggled his eyebrows, gesturing to himself.

BEN removed his face from his hands and huffed.

"Let's just not talk about (Y/n) anymore, okay?"

"What about (Y/n)?"

Dark and BEN let out a manly squeal as they jumped back.
They looked up at the slightly taller eyeless male, who looked at them with a bored expression.

"Nothing! Let's just keep going!" Dark nervously exclaimed, quickly hurrying off, pulling BEN along with him.


Your ear flickered as the soft sound of the door opening from outside the mansion.
You let out a soft groan, lazily opening your eyes.
Thinking that BEN, Dark and Jack were back, you stood up from the couch.

"Dark?" You whispered.

It was too dark to see, so you only saw the door open and then close again.
You were about to hobble over to the light switch, until you felt a hand clamp against your mouth.
Your eyes widened, as you immediately had woken up from your sleepy state.
You felt a knife, so it felt, being pressed onto your neck.
It was being pressed so hard against your neck, you could've sworn your neck had a slit because of it.
You decided to stay still, trying to not make any movement.
Whatever this guy wanted, he could just take it and leave.

"Where the fuck are all the valuables?"

It was a male, that's for sure.
You let out a muffled whisper through his hand.
He didn't seem to be bothered with your 'weird' appearance.
He removed his hand from your mouth, but kept a tight grip on you.

"If you scream, fight back, I swear I will kill you right here and now." He hissed.

You took the chance.
Fuck this.
You elbowed the guy in the stomach and ran to the stairs, only to be grabbed by the tail.
You fell down, feeling something sharp entering your stomach.
It felt numb for a few seconds, but then the pain came.
Grabbing a hold of your stomach, you cried out loudly.
Your scream must have alerted the others, which made them rush out of their rooms.
The intruder was about to flee, until a blue blur pinned him down.

"I got him!" Sonic grunted, struggling to keep the male down.

Because of Sonic's force, the male accidentally dropped the knife.
As they were struggling, you on the other hand were suffering.
Your hand was clamped onto your stomach, as your breath became heavy and your teeth were clamped together in pain.
You felt yourself being picked up in a gentle manner.
Your vision was becoming blurry, black spots floating here and there.

"You're going to be fine. Talk to me."

You weren't sure to who the voice belonged to, it sounded a bit muffled.
Your ears were ringing, your head pounding and the pain in your stomach and ankle.

"It hurts." You managed to whisper.

"I know. Keep your eyes open."

You struggled, trying to keep awake.
You felt tired, your vision starting to fade.  

Helplessly falling in love (Creepypasta x Neko!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now