13- Dear Diary

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I could hear crickets croaking outside the window. As a child I always wonder if they were feeling cold? Or were they hungry?

I didn’t like hearing their wailing sound. It was somewhat creepy to hear them.


I let my mind raced and ended up moving out of my silk sheets and pondering over near the window.

At times of many sleepless nights I used to do this. I bend my belly down on couch and from the corner of its cushion withdrew a blue colored journal.

My Diary!

Seeing that Jenny was no longer helpful in making peace in my mind and I couldn’t share my feeling with mamma, I had resorted to keeping the diary whenever I felt lonely or was upset.

Perhaps, it is one of those days.

As worn out and fatigued I felt but was constrained to put pen to paper about my day’s event.

I pulled out pen from my box, my special pen with which I wrote only in this diary. I know it was weird but then who said anything about leading a normal life?

At that thought, a smile twitched on my curves.

As I opened my dairy, I reminisced about my past.

What a wonderful time it was.

Oh don’t think that I used to write only about sad moments. I recalled my cheery moments too…

An entry of my Eight Birthday, then Jenny’s Birthday….

Sometimes time flews by us just as rivers flow perennially effortlessly.

Not only good times but seemingly bad times too found there place in gutter as time flew by. Whilst I was Eight it seemed to extremely impossible for me to get the idea of my father abandoning me could be digested without an indigestion.

I shudder. The idea still horrified me.

Move on!

Opening a fresh white page, I jolted down my pen to finds its way on paper in dim twilight of moon cascaded on my window.


!!Some revelations!!



   Sorry for updating you for such a long time. But then, nothing much was there to tell.


But today, was entirely a different day. Yesterday, we, Jenny and me had gone for our seemingly dangerous ride, err_ and that accident took place. Well, I guess that you already know that part, since you were the one to plan that fatal event! *Accusing glares if you could see me*

Happens Everytime (Unedited)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora