A turn of events

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We had our crazy snowball fight for at least an hour. I was exhausted and cold. Jay's cheeks were super red from playing outside and his paleness didn't help either. We were in line at a coffee shop, just Jay and me. The others made a quick trip to their hotel because Tom's pants had split open during the fight. We all enjoyed a good laugh at that one.

"Hot chocolate and tea for Emily, " the employees clear voice rang out. I grabbed my cup and handed Jay his. We sat down at a table in the corner. Sipping my cocoa, I looked around the walls. This was my favorite place in town. "I love this place because it has all the movie trivia and memoribrila on the walls and I don't know it reminds me of home."

He just sat there staring into my eyes. "Are you okay Jay?"

"I know we have only like known eachother for less then a day, but I really l-- ," he was cut off. A very loud man had enter the coffee place saying hey to everyone behind the counter and they were returning the heys. I turned in my seat to see this man better and quickly wished I hadn't. Michael.

I turned pale quickly. Please don't see, please don't see I kept repeating it in my head. "Jay we need to go now please." I grabbed his hand, he looked confused but didn't resist as I yanked him towards the door.

"Hey where do you think your going," Michaels voice cut the air. I quickened my pace not losing my focus on the door. Before I knew what hit me, I was being yanked back by my shoulder. "Heeeey!" I heard someone say, I think it was Jay.

Michael spinned me around to face him aand went in for a hard kiss, I pulled away. He grabbed my small neck with his massive hand and yanked hard. A scream escaped my mouth.

He came from nowhere, it was just Michael and I then suddenly Jay was on Michael's back. Jay got him in a headlock.


I saw this big man grab her neck and shake her like a dog. I was not going to let this happen. Everyone in the cafe was silently watching. I lept at him and got him in a choke hold. I tried to take him down and get him away from Em, but it wasn't working. He only tightened his grip on her neck.

I saw the colour draining from her face and her desperately clawing at his hand. I changed positions and grabbed his neck with one hand and put my other hand on his shoulder while repeatly kneeing him in the stomach and groin. I was so focused of beating the crap out of him I didnt stop till I heard Emily breath in and start coughing. I tossed this guy to the ground and turned to her.

She was on the ground coughing. It was an awful sounding cough. I knelt down and wrapped my arms around her shaking shoulders. She buried her face in my chest. I kissed her head and tried my best to comfort her. "Its okay Em, I got you. I will never let him hurt you again." She was still shaking voilently. "Shhhh its okay."

Not relasing my grip on her I stood up and looked at this man on the floor. "You are a bloody lowlife!" "Do not even think of touching her again or so help me." I walked her outside and to a bench in an ally. When we were sat down I tryed to pry her off of me to see her neck but she wouldn't let me.

"Hey," I said softly, "its okay now c'mon" I gently cupped her chin in my hand and lifted it. She opened up those beautiful eyes of hers. She wasn't crying nor had she been. She was tough a lot tougher then she looked. Her neck had taking a beating it was an unnatural red all around I was sure it would bruise bad.

"How does it look?" She asked timidly.

"I'm gonna be honest with you not the best but you'll be okay."

"Thanks Jay for helping me," she gave me a kiss on the cheek, " guys dig girls with bruised necks right." she gave me a playful nudge. She has a great attitude. I love it.

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