His laugh

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I was standing next to Jack as we were introduced to the surprisingly good looking five brit boys. "This is Jay, Siva, Max, Tom, and Nathan," Nano told us, gesturing towards each one as he said their names.

"I'm Jack and this Emily."

"Hi," I said giving a small wave. They smiled in return. The one with curly hair's smile was just infections and made me feel warm all over.

"Well," Jack said breaking the silence, "the booth is back here and Em will help get you guys set up."

"Okay wicked," said the man with kinda spiky hair, I think it was Tom.

They all took a seat and I went around turning on and adjusting their microphones while they chatted to eachother.

"Okay are you ready guys?"

"Yeah," they replied in that amazing accent.

"Cheers," the bald one, Max, told me as I fixed his microphone.

"Yep no problem," I said with a smile.

"Okay ready," Jack started counting down, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"Gooooood morning Colorado, beautiful day isn't it. Today I am joined by the The Wanted all the way from England."

The boys started wooping and saying hi. I couldnt help but smile. I stayed in the booth for the whole show.

I was laughing hysterically, holding onto my stomach, as they told an embarrassing story about jay falling on stage. These guys were hilarious and genuine.Jay had the most melodic cute laugh I had ever heard.

It might have all been in my head but I could have sworn he kept looking at me doing the interview. Jack signed off and thanked the boys and Nano.

I went back and sat at my desk. They sat on the couch next to my desk.

"I'm starving mate," Tom said to Max.

"Me too," he said grabbing Tom's ear.

"There is a vending machine downstairs, not much of a selection but it better then nothing," I offered, "I could go get you guys something."

"Yeah that would awesome cheers," Siva said.

"Uh huh," I got up and started heading down. Jay got up with me and rubbed the back of his neck," Umm need any help?"

"Yeah sure thanks." He smiled and we started walking down.

"Sooo how long have you worked for Jack," he asked, clearing his throat.

"Two years. He's really an awesome boss."

"I bet he seems like a nice guy."

I noddd,"So when did you boys start the band?"

"We audition for the band which took like 8 months and started in 2009, so we have been together for about 4 years."

"Awesome," I said, " sorry this might seem rude but what are some of your songs, I'm not that familair with you guys."

"Its okay," he said with a laugh," Have you heard of glad you came, maybe I found you?" He started to hum glad you came.

I thought I recongized it. I kept listening to him hum it as I put my money in the machine and punched in the numbers for chips, a couple energy bars, and some other good looking food. He started to sing a few words and thats when it hit me.

"TURN THE LIGHTS OUT NOW NOW I'LL TAKE YOU BY HAND," I practically yelled it as helped me retrieve all the food.

"Hahaha," there went his adorable laugh, "yep thats it. "

I smiled at him, "I like that song. Its a good song for sure. "

We walked back up to the other boys and gave them the food. They tore them open and scarfed it all down. We talked the whole time about England, I place I had always wanted to visit and even move too, their music and my college life. They were super down to earth and easy to talk to.

Made for eachother(The Wanted/Jay Mcguiness)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin