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The corridor is dark except from the dim lights coming from the torches hanging on the walls. The young man's shoes are the ony thing breaking the ice cold silence.

Only minutes ago, the hairs on the back of his neck were standing straight up, now he's feeling nothing. He knows the consequences of what he's going to do, and has accepted them.

He knows he's coming closer. The air feels like it's pushing down onto his shoulders and it is getting harder to breathe. He knows it's the nerves, he knows it's only in his head. But still he looks back

His breathing echoes against the cold walls, giving him the illusion he's not alone, that he's being followed. He knows he's alone. But still he looks back.

Only ten meter. Five, four, three, two, one...

The man stops in front of an open space in the wall. It looks like it's just an open room, but he can see his reflection. There is a window in front of it.

He knocks on the window. No reaction. He knocks again. Still nothing. He sighs and rolls his eyes.

"You know, trying to avoid contact won't make me leave", he says.

"Oh, I never planned on making you leave." A voice from the furthest corner of the dark room. A voice, giving the man goosebumps all over his thin arms. "I just wanted to make you wait a little longer. See how long it takes before you run away."

"Why would I run away?", the man scoffs. He acts emotionless, but his heart is beating against his ribcage.

"Can't you feel it?", the voice says. It's closer now. It's moving through the shadows. No, it's moving like the shadows.

"Can't you hear it? The whispers? They're everywhere. In your ears, in your heart, in your brain. It's the people who are rotting here. They've been banished to the darkest place anyone can imagine and have to stay here for eternity.

Can you hear them? I know you can. I know you're pulling up an eyebrow now, pretending not to believe me. But I know you're afraid. And you should be. Because if they don't get you... I will."

The man gasps for air and turns around, almost expecting to see someone standing behind him. But there's nothing. He's alone.

The voice chuckles. "I knew it. That's the only thing you can do. Be afraid and wait for others to save you."

"Shut up!", the man shouts. "If you know what I can and can't do, you must know why I'm here too."

"I am your last hope", the voice says, suddenly getting deeper. "You know what you ask for is impossible, but that last bit of your brain is still praying I can help you."

"Can you?" The man's voice is only a whisper. "Can you bring him back?"

"Being able to and wanting to are two different things, my boy."

"Tell me if you'll help me! If you won't, I'll leave. But please..." The man's voice broke at the last word. "Please bring him back..."

"Pathetic", the voice says, and the man can almost hear the corner of his mouth twitching up. "I hope you know that if I help you, I have to get something back?"

"Take all you want!", the man shouts. "I don't care, take it. Just help me."

"If that's what you want..."

Suddenly a rush of pain goes through the man's head. And another one, and another, until it's just a permanent burning inside his mind. He screams. He screams as loud as he can.

Then it's done. Just as fast as it started, it's finished. He falls to the ground and stays there for a couple minutes. Then he opens his eyes.

"Wh- where am I?"

"Don't worry, my boy", the voice in the dark says. "You just got lost and hit your head. You're safe."

"Oh...", the man smiles. "Did you help me?"

"Yes, I did", the voice says, finally stepping out of the shadows. He looks menacing, even though the man doesn't recognise him.

"I... I uhm... I need to go back to my friends...", he awkwardly sutters and turns around, about to run through the corridor and towards the light.

"Aren't you going to tell them about Dan?", the figure who matches the voice says.

"Dan?", the man asks, whiping his black hair out of his bright blue eyes.

"Who is Dan?"

If You Ever Come Back ~Peterick Fanfic~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant