7 - Warm, Comfortable Darkness

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Pete's POV

After I have calmed down a bit, I descend to the ground. My sister is standing there with a huge smile on her face. I've never seen her like that, so proud.

I land in front of her, smiling just as much as she is. She is about to say something as I suddenly feel something pulling my leg.

I look down and see a little girl hugging me. She buries her face against my leg, so I can't see who she is until she looks up.

"Petey!", she shouts in a high, musical voice. Her eyes are a bright shade of blue and her brown hair is hanging in a braid on her back. I recognize her.

My neighbours used to have a daughter. She was about four years old when her family got into a car accident. Her whole family survived, except for her.

She had a whole life in front of her and didn't get the chance to live it. Now she is here, forever stuck as the toddler she was when she died.

I remember her voice when she was playing outside with her parents and I was looking out of my window. It was before I knew Patrick. I was about fifteen, I think.

She always wanted to play with me, and since I just lost my sister, I became kind of a big brother for her. She always called me Petey, even though it annoyed the living crap out of me.

Seeing her now brings tears to my eyes. I smile and push them back, I can't cry in front of her.

"Hey...". It takes me a while to remember her name. "Caty", I then say.

She smiles at me and it looks like the whole air around that little girl is glowing. I've never seen such pure happiness, like there is nothing inside that mind but innocence. What she says then breaks my heart.

"When are mommy and daddy coming?", she asks. I bite my lip, because I remember that when they die, they will probably be so old that I doubt Caty will even recognize them. And then they will see her, just the same after all those years.

 I don't know what to answer, and even if I knew it, I wouldn't be able to speak because the tears are stopping my voice from functioning normally.

"They...", I stutter. "Not... not yet. I'm sorry. But I will be here to keep you company". I try to avoid eye contact because I won't be able to cope with the sight of those blue eyes being filled with tears.

As I finally look down, I see she isn't as disappointed as I expected. She just seems content with the thought of me being here, and that makes me feel happier than I've felt in weeks.

"So, how about you give me a little tour?", I ask and even though I know it won't be a legit tour, it will sure as hell be fun to see that girl trying ot explain everything.

Caty jumps up immediately and grabs my hand, pulling me forward. She leads me to a hole in the ground. As I look down, all I see is white. It is like the hole leads to nothing.

"This is were you came from", Caty says. "We all flew through here, only to be greeted by him",

"Him?", I ask. "Who is him?".

"I- I don't know...", Caty says after thinking a while. "He looks like the person you want to see at that moment. For me, he looked like daddy. Maybe he will look like your mommy for you?".

I bite my lip, because I know 'he' will not look like my mother. I know that there is a person I want to see even more. I shake my head, as if I try to shake the memories out.

I don't even have time to look at the hole anymore, because Caty pulls me to the direction of something else. There is a small door in the huge, marble wall of this temple-like building, and we walk through it.

Behind it lies a corridor, which seems like it goes on for miles. It is quite dark, and the only light comes from torches hanging on the walls. It reminds me of the secret corridors you see in pyramids in those Indiana Jones movies.

We take the third door on our left, which leads to a huge hall with bunk beds everywhere. It is quite light, and every bed has a drawer next to it. The walls are made of a light kind of stone, and the floor is wooden. 

"This is where I sleep with the other boys and girls", Caty explains. "The older kids sleep in a different room, just like the grown-ups".

I look around. How can anyone sleep in this place? It looks like a freaking church. How are children supposed to sleep in there?

That is my first reaction, until I look better. The way the fire of the torches makes these little patterns on the wall makes me sleepy. The beds look soft, and I can already imagine all those children lying there late at night, with tired eyes and soft voices. It's like a permanent sleepover.

I didn't notice that I was glaring so much until Caty giggles at me. I wake up from my daydream and follow her back to that endless corridor. 

Sadly, we have to walk further this time. And by further I mean to the fucking end of the thing. As we have almost reached it, which took us about ten minutes, I see that the corridor ends in a wall with a huge window it.

Just before that wall, we go to the right. That is were we end up in a slightly smaller hall, you could even call it a quite big room. 

It has the same kind of wall and floor as the other room, and the same torches on the wall. The biggest differences with the first one are that there is only one bed, a crimson coloured carpet which looks extremely soft, and a fireplace with a crackling fire in it. 

"This is were you will sleep", Caty says, pointing at the huge bed in the corner of the room. I immediately feel at home and Caty sees it too.

"Are you going to play with me later?", she asks, afraid that I will suddenly disappear or something.

"Of course". I smile at her and she leaves me alone. 

The silence is comforting, but it also terrifies me, because now I'm alone with my thoughts. In an attempt to escape the memories, I lay down on my bed.

The matress is extremely soft and my head fits perfectly on the pillow. It doesn't suprise me that I fall asleep within a minute, and finally another darkness surrounds me. The warm, comfortable darkness, that feels like blankets and love and... 

I am already long gone before I could finish the thought.

A/N: Hey guys, this is basically just a random chapter because I am having a horrible case of writers block.

I hope you still like it and thank you for the sweet comments on my last authors note. I also noticed that I have a little bit of sadness in every freaking chapter, although I hope this one is a little happier.


If You Ever Come Back ~Peterick Fanfic~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora