14 - Just Call Me A Fallen Angel

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I have posted the first chapter of my rant book where y'all can comment about what you want me to rant. Please, take a look at it. I would really appreciate it.

Pete's POV

I wake up with my heart beating against my ribs so wildly it almost hurts. I sit straight up, breathing heavily, and look around, just to realize that I am in my room. Somebody must have turned off the light because it's so dark that I can barely see anything.

The image of that pale, black-haired man is still dancing in front of my eyes and the feeling that something is horrifyingly wrong just won't leave me alone. How can someone from my dreams know that I have to wake up? It's my dream! I can decide if I want to wake or not.

That creeping sense is growing stronger and I just can't stay in bed. I need to know if Patrick is okay. I know that it sounds ridiculous to call -well, mind call- someone because you saw them in a nightmare but I just can't risk anything. Since angels are real, why wouldn't demons be real too?


No answer, and my heart feels like it can explode at any moment. I say it again, louder this time. Not too loud, because I know it hurts extremely bad if I scream inside his head, I've experienced it myself.


Silence, and my breath has changed into fast gasps that I can barely keep silent. I bite my lip, knowing that the whole corridor will wake up if I can't control my completely unnecessary fear.


I gasp for air because of the shot of pain that rushed through my brain after the volume of that word. My heart feels like it's beating even faster than it already was, which I didn't think was possible.

Patrick! Yes! Oh my God... Are- are you okay?

The silence is almost deafening as I wait for a response and I need to turn on the light because I get the feeling that the darkness is going to swallow me.

Yes... Yes, I am okay. Don't worry and don't ask more. Please...

The last word sounds so desperate that all of a sudden tears start to well up in my eyes. My boyfriend is not okay. He's far from okay.

Patrick, what is going on? What is happening to you? I had this dream and...

Despite Patrick's order to not ask any more questions, I can't stop talking. My mind seems to be overflowing with all the horrible images from my dream which seems so real at this moment that it is sending chills down my spine.

Didn't I tell you to stop asking questions?

I hear the answer in my head, but it is not the voice I hoped to hear. It is the voice that makes the images of a pale face, a long coat and a scepter pushed against my throat, come back to life.

It is the voice of the man from my dream, and at that point I realise that this wasn't a dream. It was a vision.

What have you done to Patrick! If you even touch him with one finger, I swear I will-

I hear a soft squirm in my head, which reminds me that even though the man has somehow possessed Patrick's brain, it is still his mind and he can feel the pain rushing through.

Oh, I will not hurt him. After he knows what I'm going to do to him, he will wish that I was going to hurt him...

My whole body becomes cold and I feel paralysed. All my nerves have gone numb and a red blur is dancing in front of my eyes.

Who are you...?

That is the only sentence coming up in my brain. I know it sounds pointless, but I need someone to blame for the torture that my Patrick is going through right now.

Just call me a fallen angel.

I know that this is the last thing he will say to me and I bury my head in my hands. I've never felt as hopeless as this in my whole life and afterlife.

I need to do something, but I can't fight this person -or whatever he is- alone. I need help. And I have to get down to earth in the first place and I don't even know if that is possible.

Then an idea pops up in my head. I jump up and run all the way through the corridor until I am standing in the entrance hall. I try to remember where Dan told me to go and after about five minutes of thinking, my brain goes in a fuck it-mode and I run in a random direction.

Apparently luck is on my side, because I stumble across one corridor I recognise. I walk to the end of it and take a peek around the corner.

There I see Dan and Phil, sleeping peacefully, their hands almost touching. It hurts me that I need to wake them up at this moment but I think this situation is slightly more important than their romance.

"Guys!", I shout, just loud enough to wake them up, but not too loud because then everyone else will be awake. I push Dan against his shoulder and poke Phil between his ribs.

"Five more minutes..." Dan mutters. The poor guy thinks he needs to go to school or something.

"No, you idiot. This is serious!". I am not in the mood to be friendly. Something needs to happen, and it needs to happen as fast as possible.

"Pete?", Phil is sitting straight up. He gently tries to shake Dan awake but after he realises it is hopeless, he sighs.

"Dan!", he shouts in his ear, so loud that it makes my eardrums shake.

Dan is standing straight up in less than a second. He looks terrified and his eyes are wide open. Disorientated he looks around until he sees me.

"P- Pete...", he laughs shakily. "You scared me, mate. I thought-"

"What is wrong?", Phil rudely interrupts him, looking at me with a serious glance.

"We need to get to earth. Now".

A/N: I really hope you liked this chapter and please take a look at my rant book, like I said at the start of the chapter, and leave a comment if you have any idea who the mysterious man is :)


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