8 - Everyone Knows About You

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A/N: Omg guys, thank you so much for more than 300 reads. I love you all to death!

Pete's POV

I open my eyes and I smile as I see the familiar colour of the eyes that are floating above me. I turn around while closing my eyes again.

"Patrick, please", I whisper while smiling. "I promise that I won't stay up late next time". I look up as I don't hear an answer.

That is when reality forms its way into my head. Patrick isn't here. I am in heaven. I will never see him again. So why did I see those eyes? I am sure I saw them.

I sit straight up and almost get a heart attack as I see who is standing next to my bed.

"Y-you...", I stutter. "You can't be here. You can't be dead too. You're supposed to be gone". Then my rage takes over.

"Get out! You can't leave and then come back! You have made your choice and you can't return to break my heart once again! Now get the hell out!".

I stand up and point at the door. It breaks me to say these things to the person I love the most, but I have to do it. I won't let him hurt me like that again.

"I am sorry", Patrick just says. I already open my mouth to shout at him but he holds his hand up. A sign that I should be silent.

"I did not know that you would react like that. This might be a better form for this situation".

I just look, confused by what he just said. He doesn't sound like my Patrick anymore. He sounds like some kind of... god... Then one of the weirdest thing I've ever seen happens in front of my own eyes.

A golden glow falls over Patrick's body. It starts at his fedora and moves down. Everywhere the glow goes, it leaves a trail of colours, like fire burning a piece of paper.

That is how I see him changing. Slowly, until a complete other person is standing in front of me. The red hair, the hazel eyes, the skinny jeans and the cheeky smile. In exactly the same place as Patrick was standing, Gerard Way appeared.

"Is this better?", he asks in that voice I've heard so many times. I stumble backwards. This is too much for me to deal with. This can't be real.

Then I remember what Caty said. That God appears in the form of the person you want to see the most. I look Gerard-who-is-not-actually-Gerard in the eye.

"Are you God?", I ask in a somewhat shy voice.

"I guess you could call me that", God answers. "But I prefer not to be called that. It sounds way too formal. You can call me what you want".

"I will just call you Gerard, okay?", I say. "What- what do you want from me?"

"I want to tell you more about the place where you are now. I thought you might need that".

When I don't say anything and just nod slightly, he continues. His voice sounds different than the voice of the person who is actually Gerard Way. It sounds more musical, with a bit of a British accent. It is nice to listen to it.

"You are in a place which is called many names. You can call it Heaven, but most of us just refer to it as Home. You will not age here, and neither can you get hurt or sick.

Home is more than just this giant building. It is surrounded by the landscape you can compare the most to the hills of Ireland. The sky is always blue, and the grass is always green.

On the east side is a lake, which you may have seen through the window of the East Corridor. Many people think it is a sea, but the water is pure instead of filled with salt. Nobody knows how far it leads, and it is possible that it is endless, that it goes on forever.

There is a small beach that goes around the lake on the left of it. Some of the younger children go there to play sometimes".

Gerard, or God, or whoever this person was stops talking for a split second. I look up. I had almost forgotten that I was standing in this room, listening to a story. It was like I was actually there. I could feel the sand, I could see the waves.

"And I guess that is all you need to know. You can go explore the rest by yourself", he says. "If you need anything, you can just ask anyone. Most of them will have an answer".

And with that, he disappears in a golden glow. No sound, no warning. He is just... gone, all of a sudden.

And there I am, in my room, alone, left with my thoughts. I don't know what to do with this information. Part of me wants to explore and do awesome things, but the other half of me wants to curl up in a ball and cry until there are no tears left.

I think my mind just needs to recover from what it has been through, but that is impossible when I'm contantly reminded of what I tried to lose forever. Because that is the reason why I did it, the reason why I ended my life. To help my mind, to ease the pain.

It makes me so insanely hopeless that even death can't stop love or pain. It will just go on, and you will be left with your suffering.

The only difference is that this time, you can't end it again. You're stuck here. Stuck with the demons crawling in your mind, making you want to tear your skin open and scream on the top of your lungs.

I'm on the verge of tears as I hear a knock on the door. I walk towards it and open it. The handle is heavy and shiny, like it is made of pure gold, and it is shaped in the form of a set of wings.

A boy is standing behind the door. He has short, brown hair and looks at me with friendly, dark brown eyes. He looks younger than me but as I look into his eyes, I know they have seen things I can't even imagine.

"Hey", the boy just says. "I'm Dan Howell". I look a bit awkward after that. I've never been good at making friends.

"Hey... I'm Pete...", I say in a horrible, soft voice which makes it clear that I was almost crying just a minute ago.

"Well, Pete", Dan says. "Since you are new here, and you have just heard everything, I thought you might want to see it yourself. I can show it to you. I know how hard it is to be new here but don't worry, you will get used to it".

"How- how do you know I am new here?", I ask a bit freaked out. "And how do you know that it is hard for me to be here?".

"Everyone knows about you", Dan simply answers. "You are the brave boy that would rather quit living on the earth, than live on it without his true love".

A/N: I'm sorry I took so long to upload a new chapter, but writers block isn't going away any time soon. And this chapter is just a bit to explain what everything looks like and stuff.

So yeah, I hope you enjoyed and see y'all later!


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