18 - Pete Wentz, My Mission

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Pete's POV

I feel like those corridors never stop. They all look the same and I have no idea how long I have been running by now.

After about 30 seconds after I escaped, an alarm started going off and all the light went red. I know it's only a matter of time until I get caught.

I slip on something and fall on my back, pushing the air out of my lungs. I breathe heavily for a couple seconds and then stand up again, going the first left I see.

Luck is on my side -or maybe it isn't- as I see my Patrick sitting there, moving from side to side with his eyes closed. It looks like he's out of breath. He is looking down so I can't see his face.

"Patrick!", I shout. "Patrick, we have to get out of here!" I shake his shoulder to get his attention but jump backwards as he suddenly moves his head upwards. The sight makes my blood freeze in my veins.

At first I try to blame it on the light, or maybe the exhaustion, but that is impossible and I can't deny that Patrick's eyes are bright yellow -like a cat- and are glazed over with an icy blue glow. If this is a nightmare, I want to wake up now. But this is too terrifying, even for a nightmare.

"Patrick...", I say and my voice cracks. Patrick just grunts like he is in pain and mumbles something. I carefully take a step closer and he says it again, louder this time.

"Get away from me...", he groans with a much lower voice than his normal one. It sends shivers down my spine and I lay a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him, to show him that it's just me...

"Get away from me!", he shouts now, making me jump. "I swear, I will kill you if my master will set me free!". Tears appear in my eyes as I realize what Lucifer has done.

He has posessed Patrick's brain and put thoughts in his head that make him want to kill me. I'm a monster in his eyes and Lucifer knows that he won't only kill me by doing that, he will destroy me from the inside.

"Patrick... Please...", I whisper, but I know it doesn't matter. I have to go, I have to look for my friends and they will help me with this. I can't do this alone. Tears are streaming down my cheeks now and my vision becomes blurry.

"I'm sorry...". Then I start to run again. I don't know where I'm going, but I don't think I'm ever coming Home again.

Patrick's POV

I pushed the Angel away, like I had to.

Master thinks I did right.

I can hear him talking in my mind.

Patrick, do you know what you have to do?

Yes, I know that.

I must kill him.

I have to say it now.

But I don't want to.

That feeling inside is fighting back.

I won't let it win.

I have to obey my master.

Say it, now.

"I... must... kill... Pete Wentz..."

That is right. And then?

Then? Yes, master told me that.

"Then I will find his friends...

They will take me to Heaven.

And I will destroy that".

Indeed. And have no mercy.

"I will not, master. I won't keep one Angel alive".

Fantastic. Finally, I won't be the one in the shadows.

I don't understand what my master meant by that.

It is not meant for me.

I have to focus on my mission now.

Pete Wentz.

My mission...

Pete's POV

How long have I been running now? I don't know. These corridors are endless and it feels like I'm just going in circles. Hope is leaving my heart and I feel desperation creeping up on me.

I have to fight it. I have to save my friends. But Patrick... I thought I had him back, only to see that he wasn't actually there. I lost him again while I just had him again. Maybe we just aren't meant for eachother...

No, I can't think that. We can help him. I know it. This isn't the end. It just can't be. I haven't fought so hard for it to end here. And I will keep fighting until they have to drag my dead body away.

Without noticing I have walked into a smaller corridor which ends in a door. I soflty push against it and to my suprise, it opens. I walk through it and I get such a burst of relief that it feels like I'm going to collapse.

There, tied to one single pole in the middle of the room, are Dan, Phil and Andy. All alive and unharmed.

I run towards them and nearly crash to the floor to help them untie the rope around their wrists. They all look a little startled but then start to smile.

"Pete! What happened to you, man!", Andy says suprised, looking at me. 

"That's a long fucking story", I smirk. "Just wait until you're free again and then we get out of here. Then we all have time to tell our stories.

They all nod and I untie their ropes. As soon as they're free, they stand up and give me the biggest group-hug I've ever had. I'm a bit blown away but smile.

"What was that for?", I ask when they finally let go of me.

"We're just really fucking happy you're alive", Dan says. "We were worried sick about you".

Those words make me warm inside, and I realize that it doesn't matter how I'm stuck in this black hole that has made itself my life now, I will never be alone. I will have these people next to me. And with eachother, we can be alone together.

A/N: I'm sorry for this short chapter but I'm just really fucking excited because I'M MEETING FALL OUT BOY IN 2 DAYS. I WILL SEE THESE PEOPLE THAT I'VE BEEN WRITING ABOUT FOR AGES.

So yeah, that's why I haven't updated in a long time. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and leave a vote or a comment if you did :)


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